Adding Company Contacts in the SMS (Starter)

Adding Company Contacts in the SMS (Starter)


In this tutorial, we will show users how to add your Company contacts. In the Starter version of the Company Portal, you can add mulitple contacts in a Company. When a contact person is added, this creates their user access to the Company Portal. 

Navigation Instruction:

Perform the actions in our interactive tutorial below, or use the buttons on the left portion to change to scroll, slideshow or watch view.

1. In the SMS, go to Companies
2. Select the company from the list of your Companies.

Refer to the image below for Steps 1-2

3. Navigate through Contacts.
4. Click New to add a new company contact.

Refer to the image below for Steps 3-4

5. Enter the company contact Email
6. Create a Password
7. Enter the company contact First Name
8. Enter the company contact Surname.
9. Enter the company contact Phone No
10. Select the Contact Type from the drop-down menu. There are three contact types available: KeyFinance and Standard.
11. Click Save.

Refer to the image below for Steps 5-10

  1. Your companies are not capable of adding their people as contacts. Your organisation is the only one capable of adding company contacts.

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