Creating Task Workflows in the SMS

Creating Task Workflows in the SMS


In this tutorial, we will show how you can automate tasks at the program instance level in the SMS. For every enrolment status, tasks can be automatically created and assign to users within your organisation. This ensures that nothing gets missed when it comes to your processes and procedures. 

Navigation Instruction:

Follow us through our interactive tutorial below, or use the buttons on the left portion to change to scroll, slideshow or watch view.

Task Templates must be created prior to setting up your Task Workflows in the SMS. See Related Tutorial: Creating Task Templates in the SMS

1. From Programs, go to Program Instances
2. Select the specific program instance from your drop-down menu. 
3. Navigate through Workflows
4. Go to Task Workflows.
5. Click New

Refer to the image below for Steps 1-5

6. Select an Enrolment Status. This will trigger the automatic creation of the task. Users assigned  to complete the task in the Task Template will automatically get the task.
7. Select the Templates. These are task templates you have set up under the Templates section. You can select as many as needed.
8. Set a Due Date in number of Days when the task needs to be completed. 

Refer to the image below for Steps 6-8

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