Adding a new student enrolment via the Admin Portal is a fundamental process in the SMS that ensures accurate record-keeping and efficient course management. This feature allows administrators to enrol students in specific courses, linking them to relevant details such as enrolment status, study mode, and training plans. By centralising student information, the Admin Portal streamlines enrolment workflows, reduces manual data entry errors, and enhances overall administrative efficiency.
With an intuitive interface, the Admin Portal simplifies the enrolment process by integrating essential student details, course selections, and compliance requirements. It enables administrators to track enrolment history, update student records, and generate reports for compliance and operational insights. This functionality ensures that student data remains accurate, up to date, and easily accessible, supporting effective course management and regulatory compliance.

Step Tutorial
1. From the Dashboard, go to Students, select a student from the dropdown menu, then navigate to Enrolments and click the New button.
2. Enter a value in the following fields:
- Program – The course or qualification in which a student will be enrolled.
- Program Instance – A specific version of a program.
- Intake – A cohort of students commencing a program.
- Enrolment Date – The official date a student is enrolled in a program.
- Enrolment Status – The student’s current enrolment status (e.g., Application Received, Completed, Withdrawn).
- Enrolment Start Date – The date a student begins their studies.
- Enrolment End Date – The expected or actual completion date of a student’s studies. This field is auto-calculated based on the duration specified for the program instance, but you can change it to a preferred date.
- Weeks Attended – The total number of weeks a student has actively participated.
- Employer – The company or organisation employing the student.
- Agent – A representative or third party assisting with the student’s enrolment.
- Training Provider Partner – An external organisation collaborating to deliver training.
- Requires LLN – Indicates whether the student requires a Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) assessment.
- Host Employer (Vocational Placement Provider) – The organisation providing practical workplace experience for the student.
Once completed, click the Continue button.

IMPORTANT: If no payment plan is set in the Program Instance settings, the Payment tab will not appear.
For the Student Fee, this is specified in the Program Instance’s Settings (Financial). However, you can add a new program fee, which will be added to the fee already associated with the program instance.
The Payment Plan is also specified in the Program Instance’s Settings (Financial). If multiple payment plans are available, you may select one from the dropdown menu.
Once completed, click the Continue button.
For AVETMISS purposes, please complete the questions found in this tab.
Once completed, click the Continue button.

NOTE: Before proceeding to the next and final tab, a prompt confirming the successful enrolment will appear. Click OK to close it.
The list of units defined in the program instance will be displayed here. However, you can also:
- Add – Add a new unit for a student. To do this, click the Add button at the top of the table, complete the necessary information for the unit, then click the check button under the Action column to save.
- Edit - Edit the information for the unit, then click the check button under the Action column to save.
- Delete - If you wish to remove a unit from this enrolment, click the Delete button under the Action column.
Once completed, click the Submit button.
3. A prompt confirming the successful editing of the enrolment will appear. Click
OK to close it.

4. You should now see the recently added enrolment in the list.
These are the steps on how to add a new student enrolment via admin portal.
Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to the contact support via email.