How to Add a Task to Student via Trainer Portal

How to Add a Task to Student via Trainer Portal


In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of adding a task to a student using your trainer access in the Student Management System (SMS).

Step Tutorial

1. From the sidebar menu, go to Students > search and select a student > go to Tasks tab > then click Add Task button.

2. In the task modal, fill in the following information:

  • Template – Select a task template from the dropdown list, if available. If you select a template, some fields in this task will be populated with the details from the selected task template.
  • Title – Enter a title for the task.
  • Description – Enter a description for the task.
  • Checklist – Attach a checklist if applicable.
  • Due Date – Set a due date to specify when the task needs to be completed by the student.
  • Assign Users – Assign users who would complete the task. This can be a specific user within your organisation. Otherwise, you can leave this as blank.
  • Assign Organisational Units – Assign organisational units by selecting from the dropdown list. This can be left empty if you have already selected specific users to complete the task.
  • All Individuals Must Complete – Turn on the toggle if all individuals must complete the task.
Once done, click Add.

A prompt confirming the successful creation of the task will appear. Click OK to close it.

3. If you wish to edit or delete an existing task, click the Action button.

And that’s how to add a task to a student using trainer access in the SMS!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to the contact support via email.
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