How to Add Notes for SMS Users (Non-Student)

How to Add Notes for SMS Users (Non-Student)


Adding of notes for non-student users in the Student Management System (SMS) allows users, such as administrators, trainers, and others staff, to document important details for reference. This functionality allows users to create notes for themselves as well as for other users, facilitating better organisation, communication, and record-keeping within the system.

In this tutorial, we will provide step-by-step guidance on how to create and manage these notes effectively. Whether you're documenting reminders, sharing updates, or storing important information, this feature will help streamline your workflow.

Step Tutorial

1. From the sidebar menu, go to People > search and select a user > then click Notes tab.

2. The Notes tab displays a table showing the notes that have been created for the user.

To create a new note, click the New button.

3. In the Create new entry modal, fill in the following field:
  1. Date – select a date from the date picker for the note.
  2. Title – enter a title for the note.
  3. Notes – enter a description for the note.
  4. File – attach a file by clicking the Choose file button or dragging and dropping the file into the field below the choose file button.
Once done, click Create.

The created note will appear as follows in the table:


  1. Clicking the Action button will allow you to Edit or Delete the note.
  2. The Date column shows the date you selected for the note.
  3. The Document Title column displays the title entered when creating the note.
  4. Notes column shows the content or description added when creating the note.
  5. The Last Modified column indicates the date and time when the note was last updated or edited.
  6. File column displays the image or file attached to the note, if available. The attachment can be downloaded by clicking the Download button.

And that’s how to add notes for non-student users in the SMS!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to the contact support via email.
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