How to Automate Tasks in the SMS

How to Automate Tasks in the SMS

This tutorial will guide users on how to automate tasks in the SMS. With Automation, tasks are automatically created and assigned to specific users based on set conditions. Task automation not only saves time but also makes processes more efficient and reliable.
NOTE: This exclusive feature is only available to Maximise Package subscribers. Unlock the full potential of your SMS with the Maximise Package. To upgrade your plan and access this feature, please contact support at
IMPORTANT: A task template must be created before setting up an automated task.
Step Tutorial
1. From the Dashboard, go to Automation, then click Add.

2. Fill in the following information:
Part 1 – Details
  1. Title – Add a Title for your automated task.
  2. Active – Set the report to Active to make it available for use.
  3. Description – Enter a short Description for your automated task.
  4. Action – Select the SMS feature you want to automate from the Action drop-down menu. There are four (4) features you can automate: Email, SMS, Task, and Report. For this tutorial, select Tasks, which will open additional fields for you to complete.
  5. Task Template – Select the template from your Task Template list.
  6. Due Date in X Day – Enter the number of days for the task’s due date in the Due Date field.
Part 2 – Conditions
Add a Condition Trigger. This is mandatory, and you can add one or more if needed. A condition trigger specifies the conditions required to run the automation. For example, you might want to trigger a task to be created for staff to follow up with students who have an invalid USI. Then add the following details:
  1. Field – Determine the Field that will trigger the task. Field values can be either Student or Enrolment fields. In this example, the Field will be Student – USI Status.
  2. Operator – Select an Operator. Examples of an Operator include greater than, less than, equals, is not blank, is blank, etc. The options will change depending on the selected field. In this example, the Operator is equals.
  3. Value – Set a Value for your Condition Trigger. The value field corresponds to your Condition field and the selected Operator.
Part 3 – Automate When
This section determines when the task will be created and is mandatory. Click on the Add Date Trigger button, and add the following information:
  1. Field – Determine the Field that will trigger the task automation. In this example, a task will be created to follow up on students with an invalid USI using their enrolment start date as the date trigger.
  2. Period – Determine the Period of the automation in days, weeks, or months.
  3. Number – Based on the Period you set, determine how many days, weeks, or months before or after the selected date field the task will automatically be created.
  4. When – Determine whether you want to automate the task before or after the selected date field.

3. Scroll to the top of the page and click Save to add your automated task.

4. A prompt confirming the successful creation of the automated task will pop up. Click OK to close it.

That is how you can automate tasks in the SMS.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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