How to Bulk Update Units in the SMS

How to Bulk Update Units in the SMS

Bulk updating units in a Student Management System (SMS) enables administrators to efficiently modify course or unit enrolments for multiple students at once. This process often involves importing updated data within the system. 

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to bulk update units in the SMS.

Step Tutorial
  1. To update units in bulk, go to Reports.
  2. Click on Units.
  3. When updating Units in bulk, you may select from the previously created Units Report templates.
  4. (Optional) You may also add a new template.

    For steps 1 to 4, refer to the image below:

  5. Enter a Name for your template.
  6. Click Default if you want this report template to be selected every time you visit the Units Report tab.
  7. Click Save.

    For steps 5 to 7, refer to the image below:

  8. Select a date range as your report parameter from one of these fields. 
  9. (Optional) You may also filter from these fields to make your report more specific.
  10. You can opt to select and show AVETMISS fields.
  11. Click Search.

    For steps 8 to 11, refer to the image below:

  12. Use the filters on each column to make your report more specific.
  13. Select the specific students that you plan on updating. You may also select ALL by clicking on the tick box beside First Name.
  14. Once students are selected, a button "Bulk Update" will appear, click the Bulk Update button.

    For steps 12 to 14, refer to the image below:

  15. From the drop-down menu, select the field that you need to edit or update.
  16. Click Add fields.

    For steps 15 and 16, refer to the image below:

  17. Update the Value for this field.
  18. Repeat steps 15 to 17 if updating other unit-related fields are needed.
  19. Click Update to save changes.

    For steps 17 to 19, refer to the image below:

That's it! You've successfully bulk update units in the SMS!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at

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