How to Create a Payment Schedule Rule Template (NSW)

How to Create a Payment Schedule Rule Template (NSW)


To create a funded contract in the Student Management System, a Payment Schedule Rule template must be created.

This template will define the rules for when your RTO will receive payment, based on student commencement or completion of the course. The information will be based on the payment schedules outlined in your contract with the respective State Training Authority.

In this tutorial, we will create one for the state of New South Wales (NSW).

For this tutorial, the payment schedule rule template is based on Certificate level in accordance to the NSW Payment Rules.

Step Tutorial

1. Go to Finance, then click on Contracts > Payment Schedule Rule Template then click New.

2. Fill in the following information:
  1. Name – Add a name for the template.
  2. State – Select the state from the drop-down. In this tutorial, we will select NSW.
  3. +Add Payment - This will add a payment installment section in the window.
    1. Payment Installment – add a name for the payment installment.
    2. Subsidy Percentage – add the subsidy percentage for the payment installment.
    3. Program Type – select the programs that are included for this payment installment.
    4. Rule – choose the appropriate rule for this payment installment. Options are:
      1. At least N UoC is reported with any of the following UoC outcome codes
      2. At least N% of the total UoCs is reported with any of the following UoC outcome codes
      3. Every time N UoC is reported with any of the following UoC outcome codes
      4. Every time N% of the total UoCs is reported with any of the following UoC outcome codes
    5. Number - Indicate the corresponding number for the rule (where N is a number).
    6. Outcomes - Select all the applicable outcome codes that will receive this payment installment. 

  1. The Duplicate button will duplicate all the information in the payment installment. While clicking on +Add Payment will add blank payment installment fields.
  2. Use the trash icon to delete rule or payment installment that is not needed. Click Save button to save the template or Close to exit without saving.

You can now use this template in your Funded Contracts. 

IMPORTANT: Be careful in deleting a template as this may already be in use in a contract. 

You have successfully created your Payment Schedule Rule Template!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at

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