How to Create a Rolling Enrolments in Your Schedule

How to Create a Rolling Enrolments in Your Schedule


In the Student Management System, you can create program instances that uses rolling enrolments to allow students to enrol in different intake classes but still deliver training in a subject (unit) at the same time. 
Using Rolling enrolments allow RTO's to maximise trainer schedule and gives students flexibility in their course start.

To create rolling enrolments in your schedule, you can try out this interactive tutorial or read the steps list below. 

Step Tutorial

To create your rolling intake schedule, it is best to have your schedule plotted in a timetable to make it easier to visualise your training calendar and set it up in the SMS.

We will create an Intake schedule for different groups that starts at different months but will undertake training for the same unit at the same time.

Step 1. To create your rolling enrolment, go to Programs.

Step 2. Go to Program Instances and  ADD a new Program Instance or select an existing Program Instance. 

Step 3.  Once you are in the correct Program Instance, go to Groups.

Step 4. Click Add

Step 5. Type your preferred Group Name in the text field box. 

NOTE: As best practice, use naming conventions that are standard to your organisation or are descriptive and easily remembered. 

Step 6.  Select the starting date of this group in the Start Date field. You can use the right and left arrow heads to move through the months. Select the time if applicable, otherwise this defaults to 12 pm. 

Step 7.The group end date is auto-calculated based on the duration set for the Program Instance.

Step 8. Click the toggle to Yes to make this available in the enrolment form. This will allow this intake class to be selected in the enrolment form. 

Step 9. Select option for Auto-remove the enrolment form. There are three choices: Auto-remove based on Date, Max students or Max Students or Date.

For this group, we will choose Date only. This particular intake will not be available on the enrolment form a few days prior to the start of the intake. 

Step 10. Enter the trainers name by typing to search and select from the options available.

Step 11. Click Save then OK to confirm action. 

Step 12. Click Schedule to create the rolling intake schedule.

Step 13. For this timetable, we will be creating a schedule for May for the first unit CHCDIV001 for the first intake group.


Step 14. Click on the date in the Calendar where you would like to create the schedule. An Add New Schedule window will open. In the modal window, select the group from the Group drop-down. Select the group/intake created from earlier. 

Step 15. Type the Schedule Title. 
NOTE: Choose a name that will allow all users to identify quickly the group and the unit for this calendar schedule. 

Step 16. Complete the fields as required. 

  1. Location - Select your training location for this group/schedule. 
  2. Trainer - will auto-populate from what you selected in the Program Instance. 
  3. Colour - option to use different colours for the schedule in the Calendar for easier visibility. 
  4. Custom recurrence - select whether the schedule repeats on a weekly or monthly basis. You can set specific days and time when the schedule will repeat as well as set how long the schedule will recur. 
  5. Orientation - tick this box if the schedule is for an orientation and not an actual training. 
  6. Start Date - indicate the start date of the schedule
  7. Start Time - indicate the time for the schedule
  8. End Date - indicate the end date
  9. End Time - indicate the time for the schedule. 

Step 17. Go to the Group/Units section and select which unit will be assigned for this schedule.

In this example, the first unit offered in May for the May intake class is CHCDIV001.

Step 18. Click Add Schedule

Step 19. Click OK.

Step 20. You can check to confirm that your schedule is now plotted in the calendar

Alternatively, clicking on the schedule will open a window with the information on the Group schedule. You can also Edit or Delete this schedule from here.

Step 21. We will now create another schedule for June for the next unit. Follow the steps again in creating your next schedule for the next unit. 

We will now create a new group for the June intake class and plot their schedule in the calendar. Follow the steps above in creating groups. Alternatively, you can also use the Duplicate Group option. To use this, go to Schedule, then select the Group you want to duplicate in the search bar. In this case, we will duplicate the May intake for this program instance. Click Duplicate.

This will open a new window. Type New Group Name

Step 22. Select the New Group Start date from the date picker. This group will start on June. Enter the Hour start time. The group end date will auto-calculate based on the program duration. 

Step 23. Click Duplicate. Click OK.

Step 24. Go to Schedule tab. Select the unit that for first intake class that will start on June. 

On the Schedule modal window, click Edit.

Step 25. On the Group field, select the second group intake class. 

Edit your title as well as other details of the group as needed.

Step 26. On the Units field, select the Unit for the second intake. The unit selected for the first group and the second group should be the same. 
Step 27. The group/units section should show all your intake groups that will be enrolled in that unit. Make sure that the units match for each intake group. Click Update Schedule.

You can click on the calendar entry to confirm the details of your schedule. You can see in this window that the May intake and June intake will be doing the training for this unit at the same time.

That's it! You have created your Rolling enrolments in the SMS.

You may repeat this process until all your schedules are created in the SMS and all groups are added in each schedule.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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