How to Create Locations and Rooms

How to Create Locations and Rooms


Adding training locations and rooms in your student management system is crucial for organizing and managing your training programs effectively.  Training Delivery Locations is a required element for National reporting and uniquely identifies the different locations where your organisation delivers training.  Training locations will contain information such as Location name and address. Additionally, creating individual training rooms within each location, specifying room numbers, capacities, and any unique features.  Properly setting training locations and rooms ensures seamless scheduling, resource allocation, and student accommodation, optimizing the learning experience and administrative processes within your institution's student management system.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of adding a training location and rooms in the SMS. This tutorial will also show you how to set Locations for your Programs. 

Training Location will be the location where training is being coordinated from for Online or face to face activities. 


Creating a Location 

AlertImportant Note: Most of the fields for creating a Location is a reported field, whether for National or State reporting. Ensure that correct information is entered for compliance and reporting purposes. 

  1. From the side bar, navigate to Administration > Settings > Locations tab. 

  2. The Locations tab will display a data table with all the different locations already created in your SMS. To create a new location, click NEW. 

  3. In the New Location modal, complete the following fields:
    1. Location ID - unique ID that identifies your Training Location.  This is an AVETMISS reported field. This should be a maximum of ten (10) characters only to ensure compliance to reporting requirements. Training location ID must be unique. 
    2. Location Name - unique name for your Training Delivery Location where your training is being delivered from. .
    3. Building/Property Name - enter the Building or Property name for your location.
    4. Unit/Flat Details - enter the Unit or Flat name or number
    5. Street Number - enter the street number of the training location
    6. Street Name - enter the street name of the training location. 
    7. Postcode - enter the postcode for the training location. 
    8. Suburb - Enter the suburb address of the training location. 
    9. State - Select the state for the training location from the dropdown. 
    10. Country Code - Select the Country of your training location address. 
    11. Campus Effective From Date - this field will only display if the VSL Collection Report feature is enabled in your SMS. This feature is available in the Maximise package. 
    12. Campus Effective To Date - this field will only display if the VSL Collection Report feature is enabled in your SMS is available in the Maximise package. 
    13. Map Link - enter a link that directs users to a location using a map-based service such as Google Maps
  4. Click Save to save the details. 

Editing or Deleting a Location

Once you have successfully created a location, these locations will be displayed in the Location Data Table. Additional actions are available in this data table. 

Important: The data table offers a quick view of all the created locations as well as allows for additional actions such as editing and deleting a location. The data table can also be used to quickly filter and organise the location in an ascending or descending order depending on the headers. To sort your locations, click on any of the table headers and an Up and Down arrow will appear beside the table name. Use this to sort the content in your preferred order. 

To edit or update a location: 

  1. Click Action on the location you would like to edit. The following actions are available: 
    1. Edit - allows users to edit the details of the location. 
    2. Delete - allows users to delete a location. A confirmation box will display for users to confirm the deletion. When a location is being used in an event/schedule, a warning message will display informing users that the location cannot be deleted. 

    3. Add Room - allows user to add a room to a location (e.g. Training Room 1, Conference Room, etc)

Adding Rooms to a Location

Creating Rooms in a Location address provides your organisation with additional flexibility when managing your training delivery. When set up, rooms can be added in your Event schedules to give your students more information on where their training is being conducted within your delivery location address. 

To add a room: 

  1. Select your Training Location in the data table. Click on Action > Add Room. 
  2. In the Add Room modal, complete the following information: 

    1. Name - enter a name for the room. This should be descriptive and easily identifiable. 
    2. Capacity - enter room capacity. 
  3. Select SAVE to create the room. 
In the Data table, rooms can be viewed by clicking the expand button beside the Location name. 

Rooms can also be edited using the Action button. 
  1. Edit - allows users to edit the Room details
  2. Delete - allows users to delete the Room. Rooms that are being used in an event cannot be deleted. 

Using Locations and Rooms for Groups and Events

The locations and rooms added in your SMS are now available to use with your Program Instance Groups and for creating events/schedules. Setting up your Program Instance groups with a location will help your administrators better manage your programs and enrolments, while adding locations and rooms to your Events ensure proper training resource management. Selecting the location and room for your groups and events also provides information to your trainers, administrators and students on where training is being held. 

Setting a Location for Groups

In Schedule > Student Groups/Intakes, in the add or edit mode, Location can be set in the Location dropdown field. Locations created in the Location tab will be available here for selection. 

Important: Ensure that Location is selected for your Groups, as this will also update the Location for each of the Units in that Program Instance group. Location is a reported field for National and state reporting. 

Adding a Location and a Room to an Event

In Schedule > Calendar, adding or editing an event will display a Location dropdown field. 

Info: The Location field in the Event modal will default to the Location set for the selected group. 

Once the Location is set, select the Room for the event. 

Note: Only Rooms associated with the Location will display in the Room dropdown. Changing the location will also change the selections for Rooms. 

Create or Edit the event details as needed. 

Congratulations! In this tutorial you have learned how to create a Location and Room in the SMS and how to use these with your Programs and Events. Feel free to send us a message if you need any assistance with this function. Thank you! 

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