How to Create or Edit Email Templates

How to Create or Edit Email Templates


Email templates are a powerful tool within student management systems, streamlining communication, and ensuring consistency. By utilising templates, administrators can save time by eliminating repetitive email creation, reduce errors, and ensure that all important information id included in every correspondence. 

In the SMS, email templates can be setup for standard enrolment notifications, acknowledgement emails, invoice reminders, completion updates, certificate issuance, and many other scenarios. 

This tutorial will guide users through the process of editing and creating custom email templates, tailored to various training context.

Step Tutorial
InfoNOTE: Your SMS is preloaded with standard email templates. Users can edit these templates to match your organisation's standard communication content or create new templates customised to your organisation's requirements. 

Creating an Email Template

1. From the sidebar menu, go to Administration > Templates > Email Templates then click Add.

2. Complete the following fields:

  1. Email Template Name - enter the email template name that best describes the template that you will create. 
  2. Email Subject - enter the email subject, this will be used in the subject line for your emails. 
  3. Email Type - select from the dropdown the specific email type. Leave blank (no selection) if the email template does not match any of the available email types. The available email types are: 
    1. Invoice - template used for emails on invoices to students/companies.
    2. Invoice Reminder - template used for system emails on invoice reminders.
    3. Payment Received - system email template sent when payment for an invoice is received.
    4. Payment Failure - system email template sent when payment for an invoice has failed. 
    5. Company - email template for companies.
    6. Reset Password - system email template used in emails for resetting passwords.
    7. Newsletter - custom email for creating Newsletter type emails. 
    8. Waitlist - template for emails to waitlisted students.
    9. Student - Set Password - template for emails sent for students to set their passwords for the SMS. 
    10. Refunds - email template regarding refunds.
    11. RCTI - email template about recipient-created tax invoice
  4. Email body - Enter or create your email content in this HTML text box. Text tools can be used to format the email, allowing users to change the font type, size, add images, or links. Users can also use dynamic fields to customise the content specific to the email recipient. 

Once done, click Save. If you wish to discontinue adding the template, click Cancel.

Once the email template is saved, it will be available for use. 

InfoNOTE: Users can add attachments to email templates. There are two (2) types of email attachments that can be utilised:
1. Email Attachments - This section is used when you want to add attachments to a specific email template. The attachment will be automatically included in the email whenever the template with the added attachment is used.

To add an email attachment, click the New button, then tick Choose File to upload. Once done, click Save.

2. System Email Attachments – Attachments added in this section will be available across all email templates. They can be accessed within the email body using the Attachments dropdown field.

To add system email attachment, click the New button, then tick Choose File to upload. Once done, click Save.

Editing Existing Templates

1. To edit an existing or pre-loaded template, go to Administration > Templates Email Templates > then select the template you would like to edit by searching from the available templates in the Email Template dropdown field. 

Update the email template as needed or required.

2. Once done, click Update Template button located under the email text box section.

And that’s how to create and edit email templates in the SMS!

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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