How to Create Recipient-Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) Report

How to Create Recipient-Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) Report


Commissions for Agents, which relates to commissions based on settings and calculations that the agent will get according to an Enrolment that they are an Agent of.

Note: This exclusive feature is only available for Maximise Package subscribers. Unlock the full potential of your SMS with the Maximise Package. To upgrade your plan and access this feature, please contact

Step Tutorial

How to Create Recipient-Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) Report?

IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the steps below, make sure that the RCTI toggle is enabled under the Company > Agent Commissions setting.

  1. Go to Finance
  2. Click Commissions Tab
  3. Click Commissions on Invoices Subtab
  4. Select Agent
  5. Select Commission/s by ticking the checkbox
  6. Upon ticking, a new button will appear. Click the Create RCTI button.

    For steps 1 to 6, refer to the image below:

  7. Click Proceed

  8. In the RCTI tab, the created RCTI Report will be added. This tab will show all RCTI related information.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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