How to Create Task Templates

How to Create Task Templates


Task Templates allows you to create a set of tasks that can be reused on similar deliverables later on. Thus, it saves time in creating the same tasks over and over. In this tutorial, we will show how you can create task templates in the SMS. These templates can then be used when you are adding and assigning tasks to users within the SMS.

Step Tutorial
  1. Navigate to Templates.
  2. Go to Task Templates.
  3. Click Add Task.

  4. Enter a Title for your Task Template.
  5. Type a Description for your task.
  6. Attach a Checklist if applicable.
  7. Assign specific Users who need to accomplish the task. Otherwise, you may leave this as blank.
  8. Assign users from an Organisational Unit.

    You will notice that the section for Assigning Companies is greyed-out once you fill in the fields for Assigning Administration. This means that those fields will not be usable anymore. This also applies if you fill in the fields under Assigning Companies.

  9. Assign Company Type. You may select more than one if needed.
  10. Assign Contact Type.  You may select more than one if needed.
  11. Toggle Yes if you want this task template to be assigned to ALL COMPANIES in your SMS. Enabling this will disable the next field (Step 12) since you no longer need to specify which companies to assign to when the task is assigned to ALL companies.
  12. If the previous step (Step 11) is not toggled to Yes, you can select which companies this task template will be assigned to.
  13. Determine whether all assigned users or individuals must complete the task.
  14. Click Add to save your task template.
  15. To add another task template, Click Add Task and repeat the previous steps.
Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. If you have questions or concerns about this function, feel free to contact us via email at
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