How to Enrol a Student in a Funded Program Instance (VIC)

How to Enrol a Student in a Funded Program Instance (VIC)


There are several ways to enrol a student in the Student Management System. A system administrator can manually create a student and then enrol them using the Enrolment Wizard. Another option is to enrol a student via the Online Enrolment Form.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create students in the system and enrol them in a funded program using the Enrolment Wizard.

Step Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will select an existing student and enrol that student in a funded program for VIC. 

1. Go to Students. Click on the Please Select Student drop-down menu. Search for the student you want to enrol and then select.

2. Go to the Enrolments tab on the student page and click New

This will open up the Enrolment Wizard Modal. 

InfoNOTE: The Enrolment Wizard will initially show only the standard two tabs: Enrolment and Units. If the program instance you are enrolling in is funded, the AVETMISS-Contract tab and the Payments tab will also be available. Suppose the program instance is also tagged as YES for either Apprenticeship, Traineeship or SBAT Program. In that case, the Enrolment wizard will also show a Training Plan tab. 

Complete the program details in the Enrolments tab of the Enrolment Wizard.
  1. Program - Select the program from the drop-down. This will automatically populate available program instances for that program. Choose the program instance on the following field. 
  2. Program Instance - Select the program instance you want to enrol the student in. 
  3. Intake - Select the schedule you want to enrol the student in. 
  4. Enrolment Date - Enter the date of enrolment using the date picker.
  5. Enrolment Start Date - Select the start date for the student's enrolment period. This will be the duration of when the Program is available to the student to complete. 
  6. Enrolment End Date - This will automatically calculate from the Enrolment start date and the duration of the program instance. For this example, the course was set to 365 days. 
  7. Employer - Select an employer from the drop-down for the student if applicable. Tick the box below if you want the Employer to be invoiced for this enrolment. 
  8. Agent - Select the agent for this enrolment if applicable. 
  9. Training Provider Partner - Select the training provider partner for this enrolment if applicable. 
  10. Requires LLN - Select YES or NO if the program instance requires Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) to be completed for this Program. 
  11. Partner RTO - Select the partner RTO for this enrolment if applicable. 
  12. Host Employer (Vocational Placement Provider) - Select the Host Employer/Vocational Placement provider from the drop-down.

Once done, tick Continue.

  1. The drop-down options for EmployerAgent, and Host Employer fields populate from the organisation set-up and are tagged as employer, agent or host employer. If you don't see any options available, ensure you have already created them in the Companies tab.   
  2. Selecting YES for LLN will add fields specific to LLN: 

  1. LLN Complete - Select yes or no if the LLN is completed. 
  2. LLN Start Date - Select the start date for the LLN unit
  3. LLN Completed Date - Select the completed date for the LLN unit
  4. LLN Assistance required - Select Yes or No if the student requires assistance for LLN purposes. 

3. The AVETMISS - Contract tab.

The AVETMISS tab contains most of the information required for National and State reporting. These fields are organised into various sections: Funding Source information, Contract information, Program information, and the student’s Culture, Disability, Employment, and Education details. The fields may vary depending on the State you are reporting to.

Select the Funding Source ID - State Training Authority

InfoNOTE: The drop-down options will populate from all the funding sources included in the Contract used for this Program Instance. If you do not see any options, confirm that your Contract has funding source codes selected. 

Select the Funding Source National from the drop-down.

Complete the Contract section.
  1. Contract Name - this will automatically populate the contract name used in this program instance. 
  2. Contract Status - select if the Contract status is Active, Training Not Completed, Deferred, Completed, or Cancelled. 
  3. Contract Status Date - this field will automatically get the date when you toggled any options from the Contract Status field.
  4. Commitment ID
  5. Schedule Name - will automatically populate from the funding schedule chosen for this program instance. 
  6. Employment Service Provider Client - if YES, Employment Service Provider ID and Client ID field will appear.

Complete the following sections under AVETMISS-Contract:
1. Apprenticeship and TraineeshipThis section will only be visible if the Program you are enrolling the student in is for an Apprenticeship/Traineeship or SBAT program. 
    1. Training Contract ID - Enter the training contract identifier in this field. The training contract identifier uniquely identifies an apprentice or trainee training contract registered with a training authority. Refer to your training contract for this information. 
    2. Client ID - Apprenticeships - This ID is used to identify a client with an apprenticeship/traineeship training contract. This identifier can be sourced from the registering state/territory training authority. 

2. Program Information
  1. Commencing Program ID - Select the commencing program ID from the drop-down options. 

3. Culture
  1. Indigenous Status - select from the drop-down options
    1. 1 - Yes, Aboriginal
    2. 2 - Yes, Torres Strait Islander
    3. 3 - Yes, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
    4. 4 - No, Neither Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
    5. Not Specified
  2. Main Language Spoken at Home - select the student's primary language from the drop-down menu.

4. Disability

  1. Has a Disability, Impairment or Long-Term Condition? – To identify if the student has a disability, impairment, or long-term condition. If tagged as Yes, Student Disabilities field will appear. Select the specific student disability if applicable.

5. Employment
  1. Employment Status - select the student's employment status from the drop-down menu. 

6. Education section fields.
  1. Currently At School? - select if the student is presently studying.
  2. VET in Schools flag - If NO is selected in the Currently At School field, the VET in Schools flag will be set to NO. If the previous field is set to YES, then VET in School flag is editable to YES or NO. 
  3. Highest School Year Completed - select the highest school level achieved by the student. 
  4. Study Reason ID - select the reason for studying.
  5. Prior Education Flag - select YES or NO if the student has completed post-secondary education. 
  6. Prior Education – this field will be available if YES is selected in Prior Education Flag field.

  1. The AVETMISS-Contract fields are state-specific and state-reported. 
  2. Student personal information will automatically populate for succeeding enrolments. These fields will be pre-filled with previous details but will still be editable. 

When all the AVETMISS-Contract fields are completed, click Continue to proceed to the next tab. 

4. Training Plan tab.

The Training Plan tab will only be available if the student is enrolling in an Apprenticeship, Traineeship, or School-based Apprenticeship/Traineeship program.  

A detailed tutorial for setting up your Training Plan is provided in the Help Centre. 

Click Continue to proceed to the next tab. 

5. Units tab.

To add a new record, click the Add button and fill out the fields.

You can also Edit or Delete a unit from the list by clicking the Action button, then Edit or Delete.

Once done, click Continue.

6. Payments tab

In this tab, you can edit the Concessions and Waivers, select Program Fees, add Loadings, and see the Funding details of your funded Contract. 

1. Program Fees

  1. Enrolment Status - Select the student's enrolment status from the drop-down field. The Enrolment status will determine if a payment needs to be made based on the Payment plan rules of the Program (e.g. full payment upon enrolment etc.)
  2. Concession/Waiver - Select the concession or waiver that applies to the student.   
2. Payment Plan Rules

  1. Payment Plan - select the payment plan for the program.

NOTE: If you do not see the Payment Plan table, make sure that you have selected a Payment Plan in the Financials tab of this program instance. (Programs > Program Instance > Financial > Payment Plan).

3. Funded Contract Subsidy and Loadings
In this last part of the Payment tab, you can see the computations for the expected funding subsidy for this enrolment. You can further add loadings if any are applicable for the student.

  1. Do you wish to override the Amount? - if this will be ticked, the following fields will be available:

  1. Subsidy (Standard) - This field calculates the subsidy expected based on the Funding for the Program plus any concessions or waiver amount granted to the student. 
  2. Needs Loading Amount - indicates the loading amount based on the percentage of the chosen needs loading. This field calculates the percentage amount from the standard subsidy.
  3. Location Loading Amount indicates the loading amount based on the percentage of the chosen location loading. This field calculates the percentage amount from the standard subsidy. 

  1. Total Subsidy Expected - Calculates the Subsidy Standard plus any loadings amount and fee waiver contribution if any. 
  2. Needs Loading - select the applicable needs loading for the student from the drop-down.
  3. Location Loading - select from the drop-down the applicable needs loading for the student. 

InfoNOTE: The information in this section is automatically calculated based on the program fees, funding subsidy, concessions or waivers, and loadings. You can still override amounts if manual entry is required. 
Click Submit to save and update the enrolment details. 


  1. The Concession/Waiver drop-down will show options based on the funding schedule of the Contract for this program instance. Check your contract funding schedule in the Finance tab if you do not see any options here. Check if the concessions/waivers are also enabled in the AVETMISS tab of the Program Instance.     
  2. The Fees table will show all the Fees applicable for this program instance as set in the Financial tab of the Program Instance. You can click the Action button to edit the Student fee amount, which will only apply to this student enrolment.       
  3. If you do not see any program fees, ensure you have already set up Program fees from the Financial tab of your program instance. 
  4. Select the applicable Tuition Fee by clicking on the tick box. The Table will automatically compute based on the Student Fee and the Concession chosen.
  5. If there is only one Tuition Fee set on the Financial tab of this program instance, the Program fees will default to that tuition fee. 

  1. Funding Per Program - is the funding per program amount set for this Program (Program Instance > Financial > Program Fees)
  2. Student Fee Summary - shows the summary of tuition fee to be paid by the student
  3. Total Student Fee - This shows all the student's fees, including Tuition, Resources and Other fees if applicable. 

The payment plan for this program instance will also show in a table below the program fees. 

That’s it! You have successfully enroled a student in a Funded Program Instance for the state of Victoria (VIC)! 

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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