How to Navigate the Task Admin

How to Navigate the Task Admin

The Task Admin interface in the Student Management System (SMS) is designed to help administrators manage tasks efficiently. It streamlines task management by centralising assignments, tracking progress, and enabling seamless collaboration. It improves productivity through automated workflows, real-time updates, and clear prioritisation of tasks, ensuring deadlines are met and resources are allocated effectively. Below is an outline of key features and functionalities for task management:
  1. Task Summary - Displays an overview of pending, in-progress, and completed tasks.
  2. Quick Actions - Options to create, assign, or prioritize tasks directly from the dashboard.
  3. Filters and Search - Advanced filtering options to sort tasks by type, due date, priority, or assigned user
Step Tutorial

Part 1 – Navigation

1. From the Dashboard, navigate to the Task Admin, then Tasks.

2. On this page, you will see the following fields:
a. Status Dropdown – You can use the drop-down menu to filter tasks in the list. The options include: All, All Open, Open, In Progress, Overdue, and Completed.
b. Search Tasks Field – You can search for a specific task, provided you know the details of it.
c. Actions Column – For tasks that have already been created, you can choose to edit or delete them.
d. Title Column – The task title will be displayed in this column.
e. Status Column – The current status of a task will be displayed in this column.
f. Related To Column – This will display the student's or company's name that the task is related to.
g. Due date Column – The task's due date will be displayed here.
h. Taken By Column – This will display the users who completed the task.
i. Assigned To Users Column – This lists the task users (admins).
j. Assigned to Org Units Column – This shows whether the task is assigned to organisational units.
k. Assigned to Companies Column - This shows whether the task is assigned to companies.

Part 2 – Task Creation

1. From the Dashboard, navigate to the Task Admin, then Tasks, then click on the Add Task button.

2. Fill in the following information:

a. Template – Select a task template from the dropdown. Once you select a value, all the fields below will be automatically populated.
b. Title – Add a task title.
c. Description – Add a task description.
d. Checklist – Select a checklist from the dropdown.
e. Due Date – Add a task due date.
f. Assigning Administration – You may choose to assign the task to users or organisational units by selecting from the dropdown.
g. Assigning Companies – You may choose to assign the task to companies by selecting from the dropdown.
h. All Individuals Must Complete – Require all involved parties to complete the task.
Once done, click on the Add button.

3. A prompt regarding the successful creation of the task will appear. Click the OK button to close it.

That's it! You have successfully completed the tutorial for task navigation and creation.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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