a. Status Dropdown – You can use the drop-down menu to filter tasks in the list. The options include: All, All Open, Open, In Progress, Overdue, and Completed.
b. Search Tasks Field – You can search for a specific task, provided you know the details of it.
c. Actions Column – For tasks that have already been created, you can choose to edit or delete them.
d. Title Column – The task title will be displayed in this column.
e. Status Column – The current status of a task will be displayed in this column.
f. Related To Column – This will display the student's or company's name that the task is related to.
g. Due date Column – The task's due date will be displayed here.
h. Taken By Column – This will display the users who completed the task.
i. Assigned To Users Column – This lists the task users (admins).
j. Assigned to Org Units Column – This shows whether the task is assigned to organisational units.
k. Assigned to Companies Column - This shows whether the task is assigned to companies.