How to Recall Certificates or SOAs?

How to Recall Certificates or SOAs?


Recalling a certificate in a Student Management System (SMS) is necessary when an issued certificate contains errors, is issued to an ineligible student, or requires updates due to compliance changes. This process ensures that only valid and accurate credentials are maintained in the system, preventing misinformation and maintaining regulatory compliance.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to access these certificates and statement of attainments.


  1. For multiple issued certificates to a Student Enrolment (e.g., Certificate and Certificate Re-issue), users can only recall the last issued document (Certificate Re-issue) before they can recall the first initial document issued (Certificate).
  2. The Recall button will only appear for the latest document. 

Step Tutorial

1. From the sidebar menu, go to Students
2. Search and select a student
3. then click the Certificates tab.
4. Find the Certificate or SOA that you need to recall and click on the Recall button.

Refer to the image below for steps 1 to 4

5. A small window will show asking for the reason of recalling the document.

6. Another window will ask for confirmation that you will recall the document. Enter RECALL and click ok to confirm.

7. Once recalled, a confirmation message will show.

Once the document is successfully recalled, the record will be deleted from the Certificates data table and will be moved to the new Revoked Certificates subtab.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at

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