How to Set Permissions for Each Role in the SMS

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set permissions for each role in the Student Management System (SMS). Permissions control what users can and cannot do within the system, such as viewing or editing student records, generating reports, or managing accounts. The process involves selecting a role, defining specific permissions for tasks and features, and adjusting access levels to align with the role’s responsibilities. By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to customise permissions for each role, ensuring appropriate access and maintaining security and efficiency within the system.

Step Tutorial
1. From the Dashboard, go to Administration, then Settings, followed by the Permissions tab. Select the role you want to modify the permissions for, then click on the dropdown icon beside it.
2. This will expand, allowing you to enable or disable modules and set capabilities for a specific role.

NOTE: The Allow Admin Access for Other Pages option in the system grants a role additional access to pages or features beyond the standard administrative dashboard.
Changes are automatically saved once you toggle the switch on or off.

IMPORTANT: Before enabling or disabling modules for a role, make sure it is necessary for the role to access them. This ensures that security and integrity are fully maintained.
These are the steps to configure or allow permissions for each role in the SMS.
Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to the contact support via email.
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