Setting Up a Non-Accredited Program in the SMS

Setting Up a Non-Accredited Program in the SMS


In this tutorial, we will walk through you on how to set your non-accredited program in the SMS. This includes which specific settings to select for your program.
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Perform the actions in our interactive tutorial below, or use the buttons on the left portion to change to scroll, slideshow or watch view.

You may refer to the tables below to learn more about the different fields and their functions in the SMS.

Programs - Scope Information
SMS Field
Program Code
Nationally Accredited Programs
Place the Code of the program here. If the program is a nationally recognised qualification, skillset OR accredited course, you MUST put the qualification code exactly as it is shown on Any extra white spaces should be removed when setting this up to avoid AVETMISS reporting errors.

Single Unit Programs or Clustered Unit Programs (NOT Skillsets)
You can use any meaningful code here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting.

NOTE: We recommend using the Unit Code on TGA for single unit programs.

Non-Accredited Programs
You can use any meaningful code here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting.
Program Name
Nationally Accredited Programs
Place the name of the program here. If the program is a nationally recognised qualification, skillset OR accredited course, you MUST put the qualification title exactly as it is shown on Any extra white spaces should be removed when setting this up to avoid AVETMISS reporting errors.

Single Unit Programs or Clustered Unit Programs (NOT Skillsets)
You can use any meaningful name here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting.

NOTE: We recommend using the Unit Name on TGA for single unit programs.

Non-Accredited Programs
You can use any meaningful name here as there will be no impact with AVETMISS reporting
Qualification OR Accredited Course
This is a drop-down list where you can select if the Program is a VET qualification or not.
Maximum Nominal Hours
This is where you set the maximum anticipated hours of supervised training deemed necessary to conduct the tranining and assessment activities associated with the program.
This drop-down list sets your Program Type.
Transition/Teach Out Date
 This refers to the date when the program can be offered for enrolment.
StatusThis pertains to the Usage Recommendation in

Programs - NAT30A
SMS Field
Program Recognition Identifier
This distinguishes a qualification, course or skill set by its level of 
recognition in the VET sector.
AQF Level
This refers to the AQF level of the program.
Program Field of Education Identifier
This is used to classify the ultimate aim of the skills and knowledge gained in a qualification or course.
ANZSCO Identifier
This represents the primary (or most significant) occupation type that the program of study relates to if a program of study can be classified to more than one ANZSCO identifier.

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