i. Program Code - Enter the program code. The Program Code should match the code in training.gov.au. It must be entered with no white spaces.ii. Active - Keep the active button ON to make the program available for use. Otherwise, you can toggle to hide the program.iii. Program Name - Enter the program name. The Program Name must also match with the one in training.gov.au. This must also be set up with no extra white spaces.iv. Qualification OR Accredited Course - Toggle this field to OFF.v. Maximum Nominal Hours - Enter the maximum nominal hours of the program.vi. Type - Select the Program Type. You can choose Non-Accredited Course, Unit/s or Module/s Only, Part Qualification, or Skill Set.vii. Transition/Teach Out Date - Set the transition/teach out date to determine when the program can be offered for enrolment. NOTE:Teach Out Date is applicable for programs that has been superseded.viii. Status - Select the program status. You can choose Current, Superseded, or Deleted.
SMS Field | Function |
Program Code | Nationally Accredited Programs Place the Code of the program here. If the program is a nationally
recognised qualification, skillset OR accredited course, you MUST put the
qualification code exactly as it is shown on training.gov.au. Any extra white
spaces should be removed when setting this up to avoid AVETMISS reporting
errors. Single Unit Programs or Clustered Unit Programs (NOT Skillsets) You can use any meaningful code here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting. NOTE: We recommend using the Unit Code on TGA for single unit programs. Non-Accredited Programs You can use any meaningful code here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting |
Program Name | Nationally Accredited Programs Place the name of the program here. If the program is a nationally recognised qualification, skillset OR accredited course, you MUST put the qualification title exactly as it is shown on training.gov.au. Any extra white spaces should be removed when setting this up to avoid AVETMISS reporting errors. Single Unit Programs or Clustered Unit Programs (NOT Skillsets) You can use any meaningful name here as there will be no impacts with AVETMISS reporting. NOTE: We recommend using the Unit Name on TGA for single unit programs. Non-Accredited Programs You can use any meaningful name here as there will be no impact with AVETMISS reporting. |
Qualification OR
Accredited Course | This is a drop-down list where you can select if the
Program is a VET qualification or not. |
Maximum Nominal
Hours | This is where you set the maximum anticipated hours of
supervised training deemed necessary to conduct the training and assessment
activities associated with the program. |
Type | This drop-down list sets your Program Type. |
Out Date | This refers to the date when the program can be offered
for enrolment. |
Status | This pertains to the Usage Recommendation in training.gov.au |
SMS Field | Function |
recognition identifier | This distinguishes a qualification, course or skill set by
its level of recognition in the VET sector. |
AQF Level | This refers to the AQF level of the program. |
Program field of
education identifier | This is used to classify the ultimate aim of the skills
and knowledge gained in a qualification or course. |
Identifier | This represents the primary (or most significant)
occupation type that the program of study relates to if a program of study
can be classified to more than one ANZSCO identifier. |