How to Set-Up an Intake Program Instance v2.0

How to Set-Up an Intake Program Instance v2.0

This tutorial is a walkthrough on how you can set-up an Intake type of program instance in your SMS. 

Navigation Instruction:

Creating an Intake Program Instance

Updating the Enrolment Form of a Program Instance

Adding Program Instance Units in the SMS

You may refer to the table below to learn more about the different fields and their functions in the SMS.

Program Instance Information
SMS Field
This is a drop-down menu where you will choose the Program associated to your program instance.
Program Instance ID
This is a unique ID assigned to the Program Instance. This is auto-populated once you filled out all the mandatory fields for your program instance.
Program Instance Name
This field identifies this program instance, from others. Use this field to clearly identify your program instance so you can easily recognise it across the SMS. We recommend putting Delivery Mode, Location. 
E.g. Classroom - Brisbane 2022
Duration (Days)
This pertains to the number of days that the program instance would run.
Program Type
This field allows you to select the type of Program:

Intake type of program. Unit start and end dates require a schedule to be added to the program instance. If you select this option, you will need to set up a schedule for your units in this program instance.
Dynamic type of program. Unit start and end dates are automatically populated based on the students enrolment date.
LMS Course
This field provides dropdown fields where you will select the LMS Category and LMS Course in the LMS to which to integrate the Program Instance. This is intended for a program instance set up as a single course in the LMS. When you attach an LMS course to a program instance, students will be automatically be enrolled in the LMS course once their enrolment status is set to Enrolled.
Requires LLN
If the program instance requires a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment , this must to be set to 'Yes'. If set to YES, LLN LMS Course" field will display so you can associate the LMS course students need to complete for their LLN assessment.
LLN LMS Course
This field is to associate the LMS course students need to complete for their LLN assessment. Select the correct LLN course from the list.
This drop-down field sets the location of your program instance.
This sets the default theme colour of your program instance when displayed in the class schedule.
CRICOS Course ID No:
This field is where the CRICOS Course ID number is entered.
Core Units
This field identifies the total number of core units for your Program instance.
Elective Units
This field identifies the total number of elective units for your Program instance.
Automate Certificate Creation
If selected Yes, this allows user to automatically create and send Certificates.
Email Template Used for Automate Certificate
 This drop-down allows users to select which email template will be sent to students together with the Certificate.

SMS Field
 Reporting State
Identifies which state you are reporting.
Funding Source National
This field identifies the predominant source of the funding for the training activity delivered in a unit of competency or module.
Unit Delivery ModeThis identifies whether or not a subject comprises internal, external or workplace-based delivery – or a combination of these modes
VET in Schools Flag
This identifies whether unit of competency/module training activity is part of a VET in Schools program.
Nominal Hours
This refers to the value assigned to a program or subject and nominally represents the anticipated hours of supervised training deemed necessary to conduct the training and assessment activities associated with the program or subject.