How to Set Up RTO Information in the SMS 2.0

How to Set Up RTO Information in the SMS 2.0


When setting up your SMS for the first time, it is important to ensure that all your SMS settings, including the RTO information is set up correctly. For RTO's who submits VET Activity data annually, the RTO information is also required in the AVETMISS report. 

Aside from reporting compliance, setting up your RTO Information and other SMS settings early on helps in ensuring an efficient and effective student administration. 

In this tutorial, we will be walking you through how to set up your RTO Information. 

Steps Tutorial

Important: In your SMS Settings, your RTO Information have been initially set up based on the data that you have provided. It is however recommended that you revisit and update your RTO Information as needed to make sure they are correct and up to date.

  1. Go to Administration in your side navigation bar. Click the arrow to display the submenu options. 
  2. Click "Settings". 

  3. From the Settings page, the RTO information can be updated or edited in the Details tab. Go to Organisation Information for the RTO details. 

  4. The blue buttons on the right of the section title allows users to: 

    1. Change Nav Logo - click this button to change the logo displayed on your side navigation menu. Note: Initial setup of your SMS will have your Nav Logo already displayed. 

      You can drop files or click on the window to upload an image. 

    2. Change ImageYou can also update your main logo to appear in your Settings and Login page. Note: Initial setup of your SMS will have the Image in settings already displayed. For the updated images to reflect, try logging out and refresh the browser page and log back in.

    3. Lookup RTOThe LOOKUP RTO button will automatically fill out the RTO details based on what is in the TGA site ( Note: Make sure that your information in the TGA site is up to date. 

      Enter your RTO number to start the look up. Using this feature will replace any previous information entered in the Organisation Information and replace it with information from for the specified RTO number. 

  5. Check or fill up the fields in the section. (During site setup, some of the fields here will already have data based on the information you have provided to the eSkilled team. However, it is best practice to always double check and update/complete any missing information.)
    1. Organisation Details:
      1. Trading Name - Enter your organisation's Trading name
      2. Legal Name - Enter your organisation's legal business name
      3. RTO Number - Enter your RTO number
      4. RTO Type - Select from the dropdown the RTO Type
    2. Organisation's address
      1. Building/Property Name - Enter the building or property name 
      2. Floor/Unit Details - Enter floor or unit details
      3. Street Number - Enter the Street number
      4. Street Name - Enter the street name
      5. Suburb - Enter the Suburb (For National and State Reporting: Ensure that your Suburb matches your Postcode and State) 
      6. Postcode - Enter Postcode (For National and State Reporting: Ensure that your Postcode matches your Suburb and State)
      7. State - Select the State in the dropdown. (For National and State Reporting: Ensure that your State matches your Suburb and Postcode)
    3. Contact Information:
      1. Contact Name - Enter the contact person for your organisation
      2. Position - Enter the contact person's designation in the organisation. 
      3. Phone - Enter the phone number
      4. Fax - Enter fax number
    4. Additional Information: 
      1. CRICOS ID - enter your organisation's CRICOS ID number
      2. ABN - Enter ABN
      3. ACN - Enter ACN
      4. Primary Domain - Enter the sites domain URL.
      5. Email - Enter the system email address. This email will be the default email used for any outgoing emails from the SMS and will receive any incoming system emails. 
    5. Compliance Information:
      1. Compliance Officer - Enter the name of the Compliance officer
      2. Compliance Email - Enter compliance email. Any incoming emails from the SMS related to Compliance will be sent to this email.

  6. Additional Settings in the Organisation Information section:
    1. Send Email Options - select from the dropdown if emails will always be sent through the system email or sent via individual emails (Admin emails). Note: Only verified email address can send out emails.
    2. Are you a TAFE? - toggle to identify if the RTO is a TAFE. 
    3. Default LMS Trainer Role - applicable only for organisation's using the eSkilled LMS integrated with the SMS. Allows user to set the default trainer roles in the LMS for any users created in the SMS. 
    4. LMS Menu Label - sets the label for the LMS Menu, applicable only for SMS integrated with eSkilled's LMS. 
    5. Do not allow students to edit their details - Default toggle set to NO. When set to YES. students will not be able to edit their information in the Profile page of their Student Portal. 
    6. Allow Student to manage documents - toggle is set to default to NO. When set to YES, students will be able to access the Documents page in their Student portal. 
    7. Theme Color - allows administrators to replace the theme color of the SMS. Note: Changing this setting changes the theme color for all users
    8. Overwrite Default from Address - Allows users to select whether invoices will be sent using the system default email or allow users to overwrite the "from" address. 
    9. Bulk Import and Enrol Template - Applicable in the Maximise package only. Downloadable template for Bulk Import and Enrol feature.
    10. Bulk Import Students Only Template - Applicable in the Maximise package only. Downloadable template for Bulk Import of Students. 
    11. Bulk Import Companies Template - Applicable in the Maximise package only. Downloadable template for Bulk Import of Companies.
    12. Allow User to be System User and Student - toggle to allow a system user to have a student account (or vice versa) using the same email address. 
    13. Send Student emails to Alternative and Main Address - toggle to select whether emails are sent to both the student's main and alternative email address.
    14. Send Student emails to Alternative Address Only - toggle to select whether emails are sent to the provided alternative email address only. 
    15. Confirm Email on Adding New Student - toggle to require students or administrators to enter the email address twice as confirmation. 
    16. Allow Same Company Contact in Different Companies - applicable only for SMS Maximise. Toggle to allow same Company contact for different companies.
    17. Allow Letter of Offer for Domestic Students - toggle to allow Letter of Offer for domestic students. 

     7. Once you have updated or completed the fields, scroll up and click UPDATE to save your changes. 

When using your SMS for the first time, it is important to ensure that all settings are set up correctly and important RTO information is updated to ensure a seamless experience for both your administrators and students. RTO information is important, especially when generating reports for Compliance purposes. The additional setting in this tab also helps with student administration. 

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to the contact support via email.
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