How to Setup Grading for Non-accredited Programs

How to Setup Grading for Non-accredited Programs

The user-defined grading system in the SMS (Student Management System) is a customizable feature specifically designed for Unaccredited Programs. This tutorial will show you how to utilise different grading systems like Pass or Fail grading systems, as well as traditional letter-based grading systems such as A, B, C, and more. 

The primary benefit of the user-defined grading system is its adaptability to diverse educational contexts. In unconventional or unaccredited programs where standardized grading systems may not apply, this feature offers a solution by allowing administrators to define grading criteria that align with their program's objectives and assessment methods. For instance, in vocational training or specialized courses where traditional grading scales may not accurately reflect student performance, administrators can implement Pass or Fail grading to better evaluate students' competency. Conversely, in academic settings, the ability to utilize letter-based grading systems provides familiarity and consistency for both educators and students.


Grading – Initial Setup 

A new tab called Grading has been added to Settings page. This is where users must first define the grading systems that are available to the system. 

The following are the key details in setting up the grading system: 

To add a grading system, click the "New" button. An Add Grading window should appear, where users can enter a name for their Grading system. 

On the Action dropdown, users can Edit, Delete or add a Grading Item that relates to this Grade system. 

To add a Grading Item, we click on Action > Add Item. An Add Grading Item window will be displayed. 

Grade – User input that will be the Grade Item Name (e.g., Pass, Fail, or A, B, C etc.) 
Percentage From – Minimum value for the Grade Range 
Percentage To – Maximum value for the Grade Range 
Interim Grade – Toggle that disallows a Grade Item to become a Final Grade. 
Colour – Colour scheme for that Grade Item 
Once completed, users can now associate that Grading system to a nonaccredited Program Instance. 

Nonaccredited Program Instance – Grading 

This is ONLY available for Nonaccredited Programs.

The following are key details for Grading on a Nonaccredited Program Instance: 
- On the Details tab, a new option called Grading becomes available. Users can set their preferred grading scale on this field. 

Once Grading is set in the Details tab, users can now set the Max Grade Point on each Program Instance Unit. This can be found in Add/Edit modal for Program Instance > Units page. 

A new column for Max Grade Point on the Program Instance Unit datatable will also show.

Setting a Grade with Student Unit

When a student is enrolled where a grading system is used, the following are key details for Students page > Units tab.

The following new fields are added to the Edit Student Units window:

  • Grade Point – User to manually input actual student Grade points.
  • Max Grade Point – Default value is set from the Program Instance. User can still change this however they like.
  • Percentage
    • When Grade Point and Max Grade are set, this will automatically compute and show a result.
  • Grade
    • Grade Item we set from the Settings page will display here when Percentage is set.
    • However, users can still manually select a grade item here should they wish to do so.
  • Final Grade
    • By default, Final Grade is set as No.
    • When we set the Final Grade as Yes, we must need to set an Actual End Date for the Unit.
    • If the Grade set is Interim, users will not be able to set the Final Grade to Yes as the field will become hidden.

The fields mentioned above will also show up as well on the Student Units table:

The selected Colour for the Grading Item will appear on the Student Units table.
When the Final Grade is Yes, it will appear as a green checkmark on the Student Units table. Otherwise, it will appear as a red crossmark.
The Student Enrolment will automatically be marked as Completed when all Final Grades are marked with a check (Yes).

Program Instance and Group – Results tab

Overall Results can be viewed by the users in the related Program Instance and Group pages in the Results tab, adjusted to related to the Grading System used.

Units Report

For Reports page > Units, the following are the key changes relating to Grading
      • New columns are added for the Grading system. These are: 
            o Grade Point     
            o Max Grade Point
            o Percentage Grade
            o Final Grade
      • Outcome field will be marked as N/A.
      • For Student Units that are Accredited or has no Grading set, columns mentioned above will be set to N/A.
      • Exported file will also include Grading system fields.

Student Login – Dashboard

For Student Logins, the Grading system will also show up on the Dashboard page, similar to that of the Outcome.

Completed Student Enrolment

Once all Student Units are marked with a Final Grade, the Enrolment Status of the student will change to Completed.

Users can now issue a Nonaccredited Certificate to the Student. Complete with the following items related to Grading:
  1. Grade Point
  2. Max Grade Point
  3. Percentage
  4. Grade
Additionally, % Attendance binding was added as well for Nonaccredited Certificates.

All done! Congratulations on completing the tutorial. We hope you found the information provided helpful. Feel free to revisit this tutorial whenever you need a refresher and do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions. Thank you!

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