How to Update Privacy Notice and Student Declaration

How to Update Privacy Notice and Student Declaration

Enrolment forms are a crucial part of the training process especially for organisation that are required to submit the data included in the forms to the government for reporting. These enrolment forms includes privacy notices as documented evidence that  the organisation has informed the student of their privacy rights and has obtained their consent to data processing. The student declaration in the enrolment form serves as formal statement that the student is attesting to the accuracy and honesty of the information they have provided during enrolment and helps maintain academic integrity by holding that students accountable for the accuracy of their enrolment information.

In your Student Management System, your enrolment form already contain a standard template for Privacy Notice and Student declaration. In this tutorial, we will show you how to update these pre-created forms to match your own organisation's Privacy notice and Student Declaration, ensuring that your forms are consistent and customised to your own needs.

Step Tutorial

Updating Privacy Notice

1. Navigate to Administration, then Template, and select Enrolment Form. In the Enrolment Form tab, you will find an HTML editor containing the default Privacy Notice, which can be edited as needed. Review the content and make any necessary changes. You can use the text editor tools to customise your Privacy Notice.

2. Click Update after editing to save your changes. 

Creating your Student Declaration Template

1. The Student Declaration section displays a table containing a list of Student Declarations template available for use. By default, a standard Student Declaration will be shown here. 

2. Users can create new templates for Student Declarations and also have the option to Edit or Delete an existing declaration. 

3. To create a new Student Declaration, Click on the New button. This will open a modal for creating the declaration. Complete the fields to create the declaration. 
  1. Description - Enter a descriptive name for your Student Declaration
  2. Default Toggle - Toggle this button to set the new declaration as Default. When set, all enrolments in your program instances will use this as the default declaration. Only one declaration can be set as default. When a declaration is set to default and a new one is set as default, the system will automatically toggle off the default button for the previous declaration. 
  3. Declaration - an HTML box that allows users to create their Student Declaration template, with available text editor tools for customisation. 

4. Click Save to save your template. 

Using a Different Student Declaration Template for Program Instances

Your SMS allows you to set a default student declaration that you can use as template for all your enrolment. In certain situations where you would like to use a different declaration for specific purposes, users have the option to override the default declaration on a Program Instance Level. To set a different declaration for your Program Instance follow this steps:

1. Ensure that Student Declarations are created following the steps above. 

2. Go to Programs, then Program Instances, select a Program Instance from the drop-down menu. 

3. Go to Enrolment form subtab. In the Enrolment form section, a dropdown field labeled Student Declaration is available. 

4. Select the Student Declaration for this Program Instance. Whenever a student enrols in this program instance, the student declaration template will use the selected option. If none is selected, the system will continue to use the default declaration. 

5. Click Update to save your changes to the Enrolment form. 

InfoNOTE: If no declaration is set as Default in the Templates (Enrolment Form) or in the Enrolment Form (Program Instance), the section for the Student declaration will display as blank. Please make sure to set at least one declaration as default or set a specific declaration in the Program Instance. 

The Privacy Notice and Student Declaration is an important part of your enrolment form. Editing the standard template allows you to customise it to your organisation's needs. Setting a student declaration on a Program Instance level provides you with the flexibility to use a different declaration for a specific program, while ensuring that a default declaration is used across your other program instances. 

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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