Sending Notifications to Users in the SMS

Sending Notifications to Users in the SMS


Notifications in the SMS are messages and alerts delivered to users directly within the SMS web application. This communication channel allows users to provide relevant information, updates or reminders to all or selected users of the Student Management System within their organisation. This feature ensures that important information are cascaded to the relevant people.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to  create and view Notifications. This tutorial will also show the different fields required for setting up Notifications and how these are displayed to the users in your organisation, as well as provide information on how to view related Notifications activity in the SMS.  

Step Tutorial

Notifications can only be created by users with Admin roles. Notifications will only show for users that are assigned either an Admin or Trainer role in the SMS.

Step 1.  Login to the SMS and navigate to the Notifications page.

Step 2. Click "New"

Step 3. A notification window will open. Complete the fields following the information below: 

  1. Create the notification content in the Description box. You can customise and format your Notification message using the HMTL toolbar. Expand the description area for easy viewing of the content. Dynamic fields to add the logged in user's name provides additional customisation. 
  2. Set the start date when Notification will start showing to users.
  3. Set the end date when Notification will no longer display in the SMS.
  4. Toggle the “All Roles” switch to YES if you would like the notification to be displayed for all user roles (Admin and Trainer Roles). Keep the Toggle to the default NO to set the notification to display for specific users. 
  5. Specify which users should receive the notification in the Specific Roles dropdown field. Currently, this can be set to users with either an Admin or Trainer role in the SMS.
  6. Click Save to set the Notification or cancel to discontinue. 

All notifications created are viewable in the Notifications page in a data table which includes relevant information on the Notification. Administrators can edit or delete the notification as needed. 


Once a notification is scheduled to display, this will show in the selected users as a notification window on their login. While using the SMS, any new notification received will also be prompted by a flashing green dot on top of a notification bell  to indicate that a new notification is available.

Clicking on the notification bell will open a notification drawer displaying all Notifications received. 

Users can click on the “DO NOT SHOW AGAIN” to remove the Notification. 

To view all notifications received, click “View All Notifications”. This will open a page with all the Notifications received. 


Notifications are also included in the Activity Logs, to check who created a notification, edited and deleted a notification as well as include information on the date of activity. 

Note: Notifications removed or have passed their End Dates will no longer display in the Notifications page. 

Try out this awesome feature now to share exciting news and updates within users of your Student Management System! 
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