How to set up your Program Instance for Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator Bulk Upload

How to set up your Program Instance for Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator Bulk Upload


Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government Program that helps people get qualifications in in-demand skills and industries. Enrolments in Smart and Skilled requires a Commitment ID to relate the Notification of Enrolment completed under the Provider Calculator and the reporting of Training Activity Date in eReporting. 

The Commitment ID is issued by the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator for the qualification or Course.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to set up your SMS, particularly your Program Instances, for the required fields and data for the bulk upload in Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator. 

Important Note: This function is only available if the AVETMISS Reporting State is set to New South Wales (NSW) and an NSW Contract is set for the Program Instance. 

Step Tutorial

Step 1. To start setting your program instance with Bulk Commitment ID, ensure that the following conditions are met: 

  1. Reporting State is "NSW"
  2. A Contract has been set in the Contracts 

Step 2. Enable the toggle for Turn on Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator - Bulk Upload

Step 3. Once the toggle is enabled, the section will display additional fields for the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator. 

  1. PAS No. - Input the Provider Activity Schedule number here. 
  2. Training Location Region - Select the applicable Training Location Region from the dropdown list. 
  3. Program Stream - Select the applicable Program Stream from the dropdown list. 
  4. Activity Period - Select the applicable activity period for this program instance. 
  5. Part Qualification - enter the Part Qualification

The entered information in this section will be considered as the default data for the student when they enroll in the related Program Instance. 

Step 4. During student enrolment, additional fields will display related to the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator - Bulk Upload. 

Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator - Bulk Upload Data Section

  1. Is CT or RPL being applied when calculating subsidy and/or loading? - toggle to indicate if CT or RPL is applied when calculating subsidy and/or loading. 
  Note: When this field is toggled to YES, the fields below will no longer display. 
  1. Eligibility Status - dropdown field to indicate student's eligibility status. Click the EDIT button to update. If the status selected is "Ineligible", an Ineligibility Reason field will display where users can note the reason for ineligibility. 
  2. Enquiry or Notification - dropdown field to select if this is enquiry or notification. A related date field will show in the Smart and Skilled Program details depending on the selection (e.g. Notification date or Enquiry Date field depending on what is selected here).

Smart and Skilled Program Details Section
Note: When the toggle for CT/RPL is set to YES in the Bulk Upload Data Section, the following fields will not show. 

  1. Program Stream - select the Program stream from the dropdown list.
  2. Quote ID - enter the Quote ID. Click the EDIT button to enter information. 
  3. Cancelled Date - enter the cancel date. Click the EDIT button to enter information.
  4. Training Location Region - select the Training Location region from the dropdown list. 
  5. Activity Period - select from the dropdown list
  6. PAS No. - enter the Provider Activity Schedule
  7. Part Qual
  8. Strategy Initiative - toggle to select if Program is a Strategy Initiative. Once toggled to YES, additional fields will show. 
    1. Strategy Code - select the strategy code from the dropdown
    2. Sub Strategy Code - enter the Sub Strategy code
    3. Voucher No - enter the voucher number

Smart and Skilled Individual Eligibility Details
  1. Has Evidence for being long term unemployed? - field defaults to No. Toggle to select Yes. If Yes is selected, student enrolment should not have Employer set on the details tab. 
  2. Does the individual work in NSW? - field is defaulted to No. Toggle to select YES. When set to Yes, the student enrolment should have an Employer set in the details tab and the selected Employer must have a Postcode or Suburb details set in the Companies page. Enabling this toggle will set the "Has Evidence for Being Long Term Unemployed" to No.  
  3. Apprentice Trainee - this dropdown list will only display if the Traineeship/Apprenticeship or SBAT program is set to Yes in the Program Instance > AVETMISS page. If option 1 or 2 is selected, the following field will display: 
    1. Apprentice Trainee Type
  4. Has the individual applied for fee and/or waiver for fee eligibility? - toggle for Yes. If Yes is selected the following field will display: 
    1. Fee Waiver Code - dropdown field with a list of fee waiver code. Select the correct waiver code for this enrolment. 
  5. Disability Status - dropdown list. Additional fields will display depending on the selection. Option 0 will display the Welfare Status field, while selecting option 1 or 2 will display the Disability Assess Type field. 
    1. Welfare Status - dropdown list. If 1 or 2 is selected, the following fields will display: 
      1. Welfare Type - dropdown list to select the Welfare type. 
    2. Disability Assess Type - dropdown to list the Disability Assess type. 
  6. Undertaking another Smart and Skilled Qual now or in the past calendar year? 
  7. Has Achieved a Qual Since Turning 17? - dropdown list, if option 2 is selected, Highest Post School Qual will display. 
  8. In Social Housing Resident or Waitlist? - toggle to select YES. 
  9. Declaration - check box to confirm recoded evidence of an individual's consent and declarations. 

Culture Section

When the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator  - Bulk Upload field is set to YES in the Program Instance, additional fields in the Culture section will show. 
  1. Residency Status - the residency status selections will include options relevant for Smart and Skilled Commitment ID fields. 

Once all fields are complete and data is verified, users are able to download a file with all these information ready for uploading to the NSW Provider Calculator. 

To generate the file: Go to Settings > Smart and Skilled - Bulk Upload. 

The file generated will contain all the data relevant to the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator. This can be uploaded to Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator. 

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