Creating a VSN Report in the SMS

Creating a VSN Report in the SMS


The Victorian Student Number, or VSN,  is a unique identifier assigned to students enrolled in Victorian government and non-government schools, as well as students undertaking vocational education and training in Victoria.
Training Providers reporting to the State of Victoria is required to submit a VSN report to the  Victoria Student Register. The report includes data such as the student's Victorian Student Number (VSN), personal information (name, date of birth, address), enrolment details, attendance records, and academic achievements. 

In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to generate a VSN report as well as where the VSN fields are located in the SMS. 


Step 1. To show the VSN field that students can fill up in the enrolment form, first ensure that the Program Instance Reporting State is set to VIC and VET in Schools flag is set to Y. Go to Programs > Program Instance > AVETMISS to edit these settings. In the Reporting state field, select Victoria in the dropdown file. 

Step 2. Go to Enrolment Form tab, under the Victorian Student Number field, select in the dropdown how you want the VSN field to appear in the online enrolment form. 

  1. Do not show on the enrolment form - this selection will not show the VSN field in the enrolment form 
  2. Show but not required - this will show the VSN field in the enrolment as an optional field.

Once the Program Instance is updated, the Online Enrolment form will reflect the selection made. In this tutorial, we have selected for the VSN field to "Show but not required".

Students should also select if they are new to the Victorian Education System. 

If YES is selected, and the student did not provide a VSN in the previous field, the system will record this field as blank (Null) in the VSN report. 
If YES is selected, and the student provided a VALID VSN, the system will save this VSN. 
If NO is selected, and the student provided a VSN, the system will check if the VSN is valid. If the VSN supplied is valid, it will save, otherwise an error message will appear. 

Step 3. For manual enrolments, the VSN field is available in the Student page > Enrolments > Enrolment Form

Generating the VSN Report

Once you have all your enrolment form set up correctly and students have their VSN entered in the fields, you can now generate your VSN report. 
  1. Go to Settings page. 
  2. Click on VSN REPORT tab. This will open a modal window. 
  3. Select the Start Date for your report date range. 
  4. Select the End Date for your report date range. 
  5. Click Export

This will download a csv file into your local computer that will contain the information needed for reporting to Victoria Student Register (VSR).

The csv file will contain the following information: 

  1. VSN (Victorian Student Number) – consists of 9 digits. 
  2. Student First Name
  3. Student Last Name
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Gender
  6. Middle Name
  7. Student ID
  8. User ID
Make sure to verify the completeness and accuracy of your data before submitting. If the VSN column is showing as NULL, this means that either there is no provided VSN or the provided VSN is not valid. 

That's it! You can now generate your VSN report and ensure your compliance for Victoria state reporting. 
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