Enrolling a student in an NSW-funded program (Video Walkthrough)
In this video, we will walk you through how to enrol a student in a funded program in your Student Management System. You will need to have your Contract and Program already created before you can enrol a student. Refer to the Help Centre for ...
Creating a Funding Contract for NSW (Video Walkthrough)
In this video, we will walk you through the steps of the creating a Contract in your Student Management System for the state of New South Wales.
Setting Up a Program Instance with a Funded Contract (NSW)
Navigation Instruction:
How to Create a Schedule for a Funded Contract (NSW)
Overview In this tutorial, we will discuss how to create a schedule for a funded contract (NSW). Step Tutorial 1. From the Dashboard, go to Finance, then to Contracts, and then Schedules. 2. Click on the New button. 3. A pop-up will appear. Add a ...
Enrolling a Student in a Funded Contract (NSW)
Once you've added your student information, you are now ready to enrol them in a Program with a Funded Contract. Watch the tutorial below to help you enrol them in the SMS. Navigation Instruction:
How to Add a Funded Contract (NSW)
Overview In this tutorial, we will discuss how to add a funded contract (NSW). Step Tutorial 1. From the Dashboard, go to Finance, then got to Contracts, then Contracts. 2. Click on the New button. 3. A pop-up will appear. Add a value to the ...
How to Add a Funding Sources (NSW)
Overview In this tutorial, we will discuss how to add a funding source (NSW). Step Tutorial 1. From the Dashboard, go to Finance, then to Contracts, and then Funding Sources. 2. Click on the New button. 3. A pop-up will appear. Add a value to the ...
How to Create Loadings for a Funded Contract (NSW)
Overview Approved training providers may be eligible for a loading, the program offering government subsidies for approved vocational education and training. There are loadings available for two key categories: student needs and locations. Step ...
How to Create Concessions in a Funded Contract (Rate)
Overview A concession fee is a discounted rate for certain disadvantaged students. In this tutorial, the concession is based on the Smart and Skilled Prices and Fees established by the NSW government. IMPORTANT: Smart and Skilled - Qualification ...
How to Add an Outcome Payment Rule Template (NSW)
Overview The Outcome Payment Rule Template outlines which outcome codes are paid by the state government, as specified in the terms of the funded contracts. Step tutorial 1. Navigate to Finance, then Contracts, followed by Outcome Payment Rule ...
How to Create a Payment Schedule Rule Template (NSW)
Overview To create a funded contract in the Student Management System, a Payment Schedule Rule template must be created. This template will define the rules for when your RTO will receive payment, based on student commencement or completion of the ...