How to Connect SMS Program Instance Units to Multiple LMS Courses
To ensure that your student's progress in the eSkilled Learning Management System (LMS) is properly synced to the SMS, setting up the connection between the LMS course and the SMS program instance units is necessary. With this connection, your SMS will be updated with the student's progress such as course commence, completion, grades, progress history and outcomes. This reduces the time and effort required for the administrative work of entering data into the two systems.
This tutorial will show you how to connect your SMS program instance units to the related LMS courses. Use this integration method if you have your Programs (eg. Qualifcations, Skill sets, Courses) set up
as multiple courses in your LMS, that relate to each Program Instance Unit in your SMS.
Step Tutorial
Important: Before integrating the unit in the SMS, make sure that you have set up your course in the LMS and that the LMS is connected to the SMS.
- In the SMS side menu, go to Programs > Program Instances. Select the Program Instance.
- From the Program Instance page, go to the Units subtab.
- Select the Unit to connect to the LMS Course, by clicking Action > Edit.
- In the Edit Entry window, click on the LMS Course field.
- This will open the LMS Course window to allow users to select the LMS Category and the LMS Course.
- Users may use the All option or select the specific LMS Category where the related LMS Course belongs in. This will filter the options in the LMS Course dropdown.
- In the LMS Course field, select the LMS Course to connect to the Unit selected.
- Click Select Course to proceed with the selection or Cancel to close the window with selecting an LMS Course.
- Once the LMS Course is selected, click Update to save the changes then click OK to close the next window.
- The data table will update with information on the LMS course for each unit. Continue connecting the rest of the Program Instances Units with their corresponding LMS Course by following the steps above.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the LMS Course is not found in the LMS Course drop-down menu, check if the unit is existing in the LMS. If it is, click the Sync Category/Courses under Settings before you start integrating the units under Program Instance Units.
- Once all Units have their corresponding LMS Courses associated, update the Program Instance to save all changes by clicking Update.
- Click Validate.
Once validated, the Validate button will display the validation message.
Important Reminders:
- When the LMS course and the SMS Program Instance Units connection is setup, students won’t be able to start their courses in the LMS until the start date you
have set in each Unit, ensure that dates are set up correctly in the Program Instance and Program Instance units.
- When a Program Instance or Program Instance Unit is connected to an LMS Course, deleting the LMS course will break the connection with the SMS. This will result in an LMS integration error and the system will send email alerts to remind Administrators to fix these integration errors.
- If LMS Courses are linked to the SMS Program Instance Units AFTER student enrolment, those students will not be able to see the newly linked LMS courses in their respective units. Student enrolment should only be done once the SMS Program Instance, and its units are completely setup.
The SMS Program Instance Units are now connected to their corresponding LMS Course. Check the integration by doing test enrolments before proceeding to actual enrolments.
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