How to Create Email Workflows
This tutorial will guide users through setting up automatic emails that are sent to students based on specific triggers. In the Student Management System (SMS), you can set up Email Workflows for each program instance.
We will walk you through the process of setting up and selecting emails that will be automatically sent according to the student enrollment status.
Step Tutorial
1. From Programs, go to Program Instances.
2. Select the specific program instance where you would add your email workflows.
3. Click Workflows.
4. Select Email Workflows.
5. Click New.
6. Select the Enrolment Status from the drop-down menu. This will trigger the automatic sending of the email. Students who are under this program instance sitting in this enrolment status will automatically receive the email you will select in the next step.
7. Set the corresponding Email Template. You can select as many email templates as needed.
8. Click Save to add this email workflow in the program instance.
NOTE: You can override the default username of the email address that will appear as the sender of the emails in your Workflows. To do this, click the toggle to enable Overwrite Default From Address and enter your preferred username. This is optional.
That's it! You've now created email workflows.
Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this
has been helpful to you and your organisation. For any questions or concerns
regarding this function, please reach out to us via email at
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