How to Manually Add Students in the SMS

How to Manually Add Students in the SMS


There are multiple ways to add students in the SMS. Students can complete the external enrolment form and upon submission they will be added and enrolled to their related training programs. Bulk import features also allow users to add students in bulk. Additionally, students can also be added manually through the Add student function in the Students page, which is ideal when only a few students is being added. This tutorial will demonstrate how to manually add students in the SMS. 

Step Tutorial

  1. To add a student, go to the Students page from the side menu. Click Add.

    Note: Students can also be added to the SMS manually using the Bulk Import feature which is part of the Maximise plan. Contact Support if you'd like to upgrade your SMS package and use this feature. To learn more about the Bulk Import feature, visit this tutorial: How to Import Bulk Students in the SMS

  2. Complete the Details subtab which comprises of the General Information section and the Additional Information section. Refer to the table below on the different fields in this tab. 

    General Information Section

    Field NameField TypeField DescriptionSelection
    TitleDropdownSelec the appropriate title for the student.Mr
    Preferred NameText BoxEnter the student's preferred nameN/A
    First NameText BoxEnter the student's first nameN/A
    Middle NameText BoxEnter the student's middle name N/A
    SurnameText BoxEnter the student's Surname/Last Name - this is a required fieldN/A
    Date of BirthDate PickerEnter the student's date of birthN/A
    GenderDropdownSelect the student's gender Male
    Gender Diverse
    Country of BirthDropdownSelect the student's Country of birth from the listCountries list
    Home NumberText BoxEnter the student's home phone numberN/A
    Mobile NumberText BoxEnter the student's mobile phone numberN/A
    Work NumberText BoxEnter the student's work phone numberN/A
    International NumberText BoxEnter the student's international contact number if applicableN/A
    Allow Blank Email ToggleToggle to Yes to allow adding the student without an email addressN/A
    Email AddressText BoxEnter the student's email address - required field. This will be the student's primary or main email address. This will be used as their username for logging in to the student portal and for all communications and related emails from the SMS. N/A
    Confirm EmailText BoxEnter the student's email address again to confirm - this is a required fieldN/A
    Student passwordText BoxEnter the default student password to be used for log in. - this is a required field. N/A
    Alternative Email AddressText BoxEnter an alternative email address for the student. This will be used to send email updates or communications from the SMS depending on the selected option in the Settings page. N/A
    International StudentDropdownSelect the corresponding status of the student's international study option. N/A
    Enrolment ConditionsHTML Text BoxEnter the enrolment conditions for the specific student. N/A

    Additional Information

    Field NameField TypeField DescriptionSelection
    Unique Student IdentifierText BoxEnter the Unique Student Identifier (USI) of the studentN/A
    Important NotesText BoxField for important notesN/A
    Enter Home AddressText BoxEnter the student's home address. This field uses Google Maps. Once an address is selected, this will automatically be filled in the fields below the Edit button. N/A
    Property NameText BoxEnter the property name of the student's address N/A
    Flat NumberText BoxEnter the address flat numberN/A
    Street NumberText BoxEnter the address street numberN/A
    Street NameText BoxEnter the address street name. N/A
    SuburbText BoxEnter the address suburb - if manually added, suburb must match the state and the postcode. N/A
    PostcodeText BoxEnter the address postcode - if manually added, postcode must match the state and the suburb. N/A
    StateDropdownSelect the state - if manually added, suburb and postcode must match with the state. List of States
    Country of ResidenceDropdownSelect the Country of Residence. List of Countries
    Same as Home AddressTick boxTick this box if the Home Address and the Postal address is the same. N/A
    Postal Property NameText BoxEnter the property name of the student's address N/A
    Postal Flat NumberText BoxEnter the address flat numberN/A
    Postal Street NumberText BoxEnter the address street numberN/A
    Postal Street NameText BoxEnter the address street name. N/A
    Postal BoxText BoxEnter the postal address box numberN/A
    Postal SuburbText BoxEnter the address suburb - if manually added, suburb must match the state and the postcode. N/A
    Postal PostcodeText BoxEnter the address postcode - if manually added, postcode must match the state and the suburb. N/A
    Postal StateDropdownSelect the state - if manually added, suburb and postcode must match with the state. List of States
    Emergency Contact's NameText BoxEnter the name of the student's emergeny contactN/A
    Emergency Contact's RelationshipText BoxEnter the relationship of the student to the nominated emergency contactN/A
    Emergency Contact's EmailText BoxEnter the email address of the nominated emergency contact personN/A
    Emergency Contact's Mobile PhoneText BoxEnter the mobile phone number to be contacted in case of emergencyN/A
    Survey Contact StatusDropdownSelect from the list the student's survey contact status - this is a required fieldExcluded from Survey
    Available for Survey use
    Correctional Facility
    Deceased Student
    Invalid Address/Itinerant Student
    Minor - under age 15
    Learner Survey CompletedDropdownSelect Yes or No if the student has completed the Learner SurveyYes
    Referral SourceText BoxEnter the student's referral source informationN/A
    Previous Student NumberText BoxIf student has an existing student number, enter the details here-this will be used as their identifier instead of the SMS student number. N/A

    Note: Other Fields may also display if Custom fields have been created in the SMS. 

  3. Click Save to save the new student or Cancel to exit.
Once the student is successfully added/created, the Student's page will display additional tab. This can be updated as needed. Students that are added in the SMS are not yet enrolled in any of the programs. Enrolments can be done manually through the Enrolment tab, through Bulk Enrol in Reports page or using the Bulk Import and Enrol function in the Students page. 

There are multiple ways to add a student to the SMS. This can be done manually using this tutorial as a guide, by answering an Online enrolment form or by adding students in bulk. 


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