Custom fields allow you to capture specific information in your SMS that may not be included in the pre-defined forms. Using custom fields enable you to gather and store information that is unique to your organisation’s needs, allowing you to build comprehensive student profiles to improve your data collection and analysis. Create customised questions to get better insights on your students using different field types such as alphanumeric fields, dropdowns, tick boxes and even file upload to gather data you can use to provide specialised support, streamline administrative processes and improve student engagement.
In this tutorial, we will show users how to add custom SMS fields that will appear in the Enrolments tab, on the enrolment wizard and the external enrolment form.
Note: This exclusive feature is
only available for Maximise Package subscribers. Unlock the full potential of your SMS with the Maximise Package. To upgrade your plan and access this feature, please contact
Before creating your SMS custom field for enrolment, you should have the appropriate Category ready. This will serve as a sub-section inside the external Enrolment Form where the custom fields will show. Make sure to envision how you want your custom field to look like in the enrolment form so you could plan the following steps accordingly.
How to Add Custom Field Category:
1. Log in to your SMS then go to Templates under Administration.
2. Click on the Custom Fields Tab.
3. Under the Custom Fields tab, go to Categories subtab.
4. Click New.
5. Add a Name for your category. This will not be seen by the students.
6. Add a Section Title for your category. This will be seen by the students. This will appear on the enrolment wizard and on the enrolment form.
7. Click Save.
Refer to the images below for Steps 1 - 7
Once the Category is ready, we can now create the custom fields. For this example, we are adding a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Section in the external enrolment form to ask the student for RPL Documents like records of completed training.
How to Add Custom Field to your Category:
8. Click the Custom Fields tab.
9. Click New.
10. Enter Internal Reference ID. This ID must be unique. This field is used for importing and populating custom fields.
11. Enter a Display name. This can be in the form of a question depending on the custom field type to be determined in a few steps.
12. Select an Entity. This enables the system to know whether to save input from the custom fields to the Student Level or Enrolment Level. For this example, we will select Enrolment as the entity since RPL is an enrolment-related concern.
13. Select a Category.
14. Select a Custom Field Type. This can be numeric, alphanumeric, checkbox, toggle, dropdown, file upload, or multi-select dropdown.
For this example, select File Upload and indicate the Max File Size.
15. Indicate where in the SMS this custom field will show:
a. Show on Contact - show on Contacts page and Form Creator.
b. Show on All - show on ALL Internal Enrolment Forms ("Enrolment Wizard")
c. Show on all External Enrolment Form - show on ALL External Enrolment Forms
NOTE: If none of the 3 options above apply to your scenario, Custom Fields can be shown in the specific Program Instance where they are applicable.
You may refer to the "How to Show Custom Fields in a specific program instance" after this section.
16. Enabling Required will ask the user to enter a value before letting them submit the form.
17. Click Save.
Refer to the images below for Steps 8 - 16
How to Show Custom Fields in a specific program instance:
Custom fields can be enabled in the specific Program Instance where they are applicable
1. Go to Programs.
2. Then go to Program Instances.
3. Select your Program Instance.
4. Go to Workflows then Custom Fields.
5. Search for your specific Custom Field.
6. Select whether this specific program instance will show the custom field in the Internal Enrolment Form ("Enrolment Wizard") or External Enrolment Form.
7. Click Update to save your changes.
Refer to the image below for Steps 1 - 7