How to Validate AVETMISS Data in AVS

How to Validate AVETMISS Data in AVS


AVETMISS Data Validation serves a critical role in the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. This process that ensures the accuracy and consistency of VET information across national data collections. Information such as student enrolment, course completions, demographic details, among others, are compiled into National Data Collection (NAT) files, which are validated using the AVETMISS Data Validation Software (AVS). This web-based tool checks the submitted data for accuracy and compliance with AVETMISS standards before it is submitted to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

This validation process ensures that the data is in the correct format and is error-free which is crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of VET data contributing to better educational standards and practices.

This tutorial will go through the process of validating the generated AVETMISS Data from the SMS through AVS and provide additional information on how to rectify and address any warnings or errors in the report. 

To learn how to generate the AVETMISS report needed for the AVS Validation, visit this tutorial:  How to Generate AVETMISS Data in the SMS.

For a more comprehensive guide on using the AVS, refer to the latest AVS User Guide from NCVER.

Step Tutorial

  1. To start the data validation process, ensure you have the most recent AVETMISS report generated from your SMS.
  2. Go to the NCVER AVETMISS Data Validation Software (AVS) site ( Login to the site using your credentials. 

    Note: If your organisation has not yet created an account with AVS, click Register and follow the on-screen instructions for creating your RTO's AVS account.

  3. Once logged in, you may click on "Collections > New Collection" on the navigation bar or the New Collections button in the home page.  This will allow you to start validating your report for the specified collection period. 

  4. The Collection processing window will display the following fields, information and buttons. 


    1. Organisations - your account may have more than one organisation linked to it. Select the organisation associated with the data you are validating.
    2. Type - there are three collection types: Apprentice and Trainee Collection, VET in Schools Collection, VET Provider Collection. You will only be able to select the collection type associated with your organisation.
    3. Year - Select the Collection Year from the dropdown. This relates to the year the data was collected in and may differ from the current calendar year
    4. Period - RTOs with fee-for-service and/or Commonwealth-funded VET training activity have the option of submitting quarterly as well as annually to the National VET provider collection. To submit quarterly select the relevant quarter, for example Jan—Mar, or to submit data to the annual collection please select the collection period ‘Jan—Dec’. The report will be validated based on the selected Collection period and Year. Make sure to select the correct option when doing the validation. 
    5. AVETMISS Version - this is a read-only field that displays the AVETMISS Standard version used to validate the report with. 
    6. Collection Period - Read only field that identifies the Collection Period based on the selected Year and Period. 
    7. Enforce Collection periods - tick box to select if the report will be validated with the collection periods enforced. Refer to this link for additional information on this field: CS_6_Fact_Sheet_AVS_tick_boxes_what_do_they_do.pdf (
    8. Add files - this button allows users to upload their NAT files into the web-based tool for validation. 
    9. Preliminary Checks - Preliminary checks can be used when you need to validate data files but do not want to apply all of the validation rules. By selecting preliminary checks — you are able to validate data that is incomplete (for example does not yet have an activity start date).
    10. Validate - button to validate the submitted/uploaded files to check data.
    11. Finalise Submission - click this button once all uploaded NAT files have been fully validated and is error free. 

  5.  In the validation process, complete fields A - G based on your reporting requirements. 
  6. Click Add files to upload your NAT files. Browse your directory to locate the NAT files for upload. Open the file to upload. (Zipped NAT files are accepted. NAT files should be in .txt file format)
  7. Once files are selected, click Upload files. 

  8.  Once the file upload is complete, select the NAT files you would like to validate by ticking on the tick box besides the Status column. (Note: Standard AVETMISS files should contain 10 NAT Files). Users can tick the box on the top to select all for validation or to remove files for replacement. Click Validate to start the validation process. 

  9. The Status column will show the Validation progress. The following status may appear in the validation process: 

    1. Queued - the files are queued for validation. 
    2. Validating - files are being validated
    3. Validated - files are validated (correct format and data is error-free). Validated status that are in BOLD letters means file has been validated successfully but has warnings that needs to be reviewed. 
    4. Error - data has errors and needs to be reviewed and rectified before submission.
    5. Part-Validated - If a file is marked as “Part validated,” it indicates that one or more validation errors were triggered but ignored due to the selection of a tick box. These files cannot be submitted directly to NCVER.
    6. Invalid Format - files did not go through full validation due to file format is invalid (e.g. file too short, may have special characters or did not follow the prescribed NAT file format.
  10. If your data validation returns an error (or another status that are in BOLD letters and with an underline beneath), click the status to view the error/warning summary. 

  11. The Collection Error/Warning Summary page will provide information on the error or warning. 

    1. Type - will display if Warning or Error
    2. Code - displays the Error/Warning code
    3. Description - provides information on the specific error/warning
    4. Count - provides information on how many records are affected with this error. 
  12. Click on the number in the Count column to view additional information on the error/warning. 

  13. Users can also choose to export a .csv file that will contain details of the error by clicking on the "Export Details" button. This will export only the errors within the selected NAT file. 

    Sample Exported file: 

  14. Users can return to the Processing page to review other NAT file status. 

  15. From the Processing page, users can click on the export buttons to export the errors/warnings in a .csv file and can be helpful in identifying where errors occur and some guidance on how to resolve these errors. 

    There are three export options:
    1. Export Summary - exports a summary of all the errors and warnings in a .csv or .pdf file. The file will contain a summary of errors, including the affected NAT file, the error code, description and the total number of file rows affected. 

    2. Export Details - exports the full list of errors and warnings in an .csv file. The fill will contain information on where the error occurs, the error code, description and a detailed list of all the occurrences of the error or warning.

    3. Export AVS Rules - exports a .csv file of all the error codes and description that may occur in the AVS. This can be used as a reference to further understand what each error/warning means. 
  16. Use the validation summary and details to update information in your student management system to resolve the validation issues. 
  17. Once the validation errors/warnings have been addressed, generate a new AVETMISS report from your SMS and re-validate the files. Continue this process until all AVETMISS files are fully validated and error-free.
  18. Once all files are fully validated, click Finalise Submission to submit the AVETMISS report. Follow the on-screen instruction to process the submission. Refer to the AVS user guide V2.2 ( for more details on the submission process. 

AVETMISS Data Validation is an important step in ensuring compliance to VET requirements. It is recommended to do regular validation of your files through AVS to ensure that your data quality is accurate and error-free. Regular validation ensures a smooth reporting experience during the National AVETMISS Data Annual Reporting or the monthly state reports for RTOs with state funding. 

Important Note: 

Always refer to updated information in the NCVER site on AVETMISS Standards, AVETMISS Data Validation and AVS User Guide. 

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