How to Update Certificate Settings

How to Update Certificate Settings


In this tutorial, we will show how you can configure the Certificate settings in the SMS. Setting up your certificates correctly is crucial to ensuring an efficient management of your student completions and increases your student's over all experience and satisfaction while ensuring your compliance to certificate issuance policies. Properly configured certificate settings in your student management system ensure that certificates are generated accurately and in line with the completion criteria set by your organisation. This helps maintain precise records of student achievements and ensures that certificates are awarded only to those who meet the specified requirements. For the purpose of verification and authenticity as well as compliance, a properly configured settings ensures validity of certificates and adherence to regulatory laws. 

Step Tutorial 

1. In the Side bar, go to Administration > Settings
2. Go to Certificates tab. 
3. The following toggles and fields will be displayed in the Certificates and Prefixes Section. 
  1. Overwrite Default From Address - toggle switch to enable sending Certificate-related emails from a different email address other than the default email.
    1. When toggled, a new field to enter the Email address is displayed. New email address should be from the same validated domain. 
  2. Require USI Check for SOA and Cert - toggle switch to require USIs to be checked and validated before issuing any Statement of Attainment or Certificate for Accredited courses. Enabling this will not affect issuance of Non-Accredited certificates. 
  3. Must be paid to Create Certificate - toggle switch to ensure that all invoices are paid before any user or system task can create a certificate for issuance. Provides additional measure to check that student has fully completed any financial obligation before a certificate can be generated. 
    Important Note: Any automations or workflows will not proceed with issuing certificates if this toggle is turned on and student has outstanding payables for the related enrolment. 
  4. Must be paid to Create SOA - functions the same way as above but specifically for Statement of Attainment (SOA). If Must be Paid to Create SOA is enabled or toggled On, users won’t be able to issue a Statement of Attainment to students if they haven’t paid for their enrolment. 
    Important Note: Any automations or workflows will not proceed with issuing certificates if this toggle is turned on and student has outstanding payables for the related enrolment. 
  5. Certificate Prefix - enter your preferred prefix character for your Certificates that will appear as part of the Certificate ID or Parchment ID number. 
  6. Certificate Start # - enter the start number of your certificate. This can be used to continue certificate number if Certificates were previously issued manually or not within the SMS. 
  7. Statement of Attainment Prefix - enter your preferred prefix character for your Certificates that will appear as part of the SOA ID. 
  8. Statement of Attainment Start # - enter the start number for your SOA. This can be used to continue certificate number if Certificates were previously issued manually or not within the SMS.
  9. Unaccredited Certificate Prefix - enter your preferred prefix character for your Unaccredited Certificates that will appear as part of the Unaccredited SOA ID. 
  10. Unaccredited Certificate Start # - enter the start number for your Unaccredited Certificate.  This can be used to continue the ID number of Unaccredited Certificates if were previously issued manually or not within the SMS.
  11. Student Prefix - sets the prefix of your Student number. This should be max of three characters only. This student Prefix and the generated student number will uniquely identify your students in the system or in government reports. 
  12. Enrolment Prefix - sets the enrolment number prefix. This should be max of ten characters only. This will uniquely identify your student's enrolment to a program and is required by some compliance reports. 
  13. View Certificate on Enrolment - toggle to YES to allow users to view issued certificates in Students tab and for Companies to view a copy of the student's certificate in their Company portal.  Companies can only view issued certificates for students related to their Company. 
  14. Allow Student to View Certificate - toggle to YES to allow Student to view a copy of their issued certificates in their Student portal. 
4. Click Update to save any changes. 

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. If you have questions or concerns about this function, feel free to contact us via email at

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