How to Add a User in the SMS

How to Add a User in the SMS


Managing users in your student management system is crucial for safeguarding student information and maintaining efficient administration. This tutorial will guide you through the process of adding users, granting appropriate system access, and ensuring the security of your student data. By following these steps, you'll be able to seamlessly integrate new users into your system while upholding data protection standards and streamlining administrative tasks.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps in creating an SMS account for your people. This also includes setting up their LMS access from the SMS and assigning their LMS Role. 

Step Tutorial

  1. Go to People and click the "Add" button to add a new user. 
  2. The General tab will have an Access Information section, a General information and an Additional Information section. Complete the Access Information page: 

    1. Send Set Password Link - Select from the dropdown menu whether or not you want to send a link to set a password.
    2. Password - Set a default password your user will use to login to their account for the first time.
    3. System Access - select the users system access.  System access refers to the level of access that they will have in the SMS. Currently, there are two system access available:
      1. Admin - Users will have access to all the pages and menu items in the side bar navigation of the SMS. Select this access if you would like the user to be able to create reports, add students, check compliance records, set up programs and schedules, create tasks, access the finance functions, add users and companies and manage SMS settings. When Admin is selected, a toggle "Also Provides Training" will also display. Toggle this to YES if the Admin user also provides training in any of your programs in the SMS. 
      2. Trainer – Users will have limited access to the components / features in the side bar navigation of the SMS.  This access type is recommended for any user that will functions as trainers or has a similar role to a trainer. They will only have access to the following: Dashboard, Reports, Students, Schedule, LMS Access. 
    4. Home Page - Select from the dropdown the default Home Page for your user. This is the page your user will first land when they login. 
    5. LMS User Name - This would create an LMS Access button where they can access their LMS from the SMS. Note: This only works if they already have a user account in the LMS. 
    6. LMS Password  - when entered, the user would be able to login right away to their LMS using the LMS button in the SMS without being required to always enter their password. 
    7. Auto Create User in LMS - Select from the dropdown if you would like to Auto create the user in the LMS. If they are not in the LMS yet, when YES is selected, this will automatically create the user in the LMS with their email address as their username.  
    8. LMS Role - select the LMS role for the user when their LMS account is auto-created. 
      1. Manager 
      2. Course Creator
      3. Mentor
    9. LMS Trainer Role - Select from the dropdown the type of LMS Trainer Role for the user. If no selection is made in this field, the system will use the RTO Default LMS Trainer Role selected in Settings Page. 
      1. Manager
      2. Trainer
      3. Mentor
      4. Students
    10. Privacy Filter - toggle to select if user will have access to Student details. When YES is selected, User will not be able to see student details. 
    11. Enable Two Factor Authentication  - settings to enable the 2FA in the system for the user. When toggled to YES, user will be required to set up their Two Factor Authentication and use this when logging in. 
    12. Active - The student will set to active when this toggle is enabled.
  3. Fill up the General Information Section. Information here are not mandatory except for the First Name, Surname and Email Address. The Email address should be Unique.  
  4. Fill up the Additional Information section. 
  5. Click Save to add the User in the SMS. 
  6. Once you have successfully created your user, you can provide them credentials for their logins.  Once logged in, users will be required to nominate their new password.
To search for a User in the system, "Please Select Employee" and enter at least three (3) characters of your Users name to start the search. 
Note: Both administrators and the user created will have access to these information for editing. Users can update their details in the General Information and Additional Information section from their own portal access by going to the Profile Icon on the upper right corner and selecting Profile. 
Your User details and information are all accessible and can be viewed by all Users with the Admin System access. 

In this tutorial, you've learned how to add and set up your users with different system access and settings. 

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