How to Set Up Dynamic Program Instance

How to Set Up Dynamic Program Instance


In the SMS a Program Instance, which serves as the different variations of your Programs, can be set up as Dynamic or Intake type. Program Instances that are set as Dynamic are useful for setting up programs that are self-paced or taken Online. Dynamic Program Instances have dynamic start or end dates, which are based on a student's enrolment date, as compared to Intake programs where all students in the class are expected to start the program all at the same time. This program type allows students to complete the program on their own pace/schedule, accommodating different student needs. 

This tutorial will walk users through creating and setting up a Dynamic-type Program Instance. 

Before beginning this tutorial, make sure that Programs are created, and Units are added already in the SMS. Users may refer to this tutorial to learn more how to create Programs and Add Units: How to Create a Program for a Qualification, Accredited Course, Unit/Modules or Skill Sets

Step Tutorial

Creating Dynamic Program Instance

  1. To create your Program Instance, go to Programs in the side menu. Navigate to Program Instances tab. Click "Add". This will allow users to create the Program instance. 

  2. In the Details sub-tab, complete the Program Instance Information section. This section includes the following fields: 

    1. Program - Select the Program from the dropdown. The program instance will be a variation of the selected Program. 
    2. Active toggle - toggle to set the Program Instance as active or inactive. Default is set to Active. 
    3. Program Instance ID - this is an automated numbering created by the system which uniquely identifies the Program Instance through a number. 
    4. Program Instance Name - enter a name for the program instance. Tip: Use a name the describes the Program Instance well to make it easier to locate or identify later on. 
    5. Duration - Set the duration of the program in Days. The duration set will be used in calculating the Start and end date of students enrolling in the program. 
    6. Program Participation - select the program participation type from the dropdown. Program can be Full time, Part Time or Self Paced. 
    7. Program Type - select the program instance type from the dropdown. Program type can be Intake or Dynamic. Since this tutorial is for a Dynamic program, select Dynamic. 
    8. LMS Course - if the SMS is integrated with eSkilled's Learning Management System and the LMS course is a single course, select the course here. Otherwise, do not change. 
    9. Requires LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) - toggle to indicate if the Program Instance requires LLN as part of the completion requirements. The default settings is No. Toggle to Yes to require LLN. If the toggle is set to YES, the LLN LMS course field will also display. 
    10. LLN LMS Course - Choose the LLN course from the LMS course dropdown menu to link the LLN course with your eSkilled LMS.
    11. Require LLN Successful Completion before Enrolling Units in LMS - toggle to select if LLN is required to be completed before the student is enrolled in the rest of their Units in the LMS. (Applicable only for SMS with integration with the eSkilled LMS).
    12. Colour - Select the colour of the Program Instance.
    13. CRICOS Course ID No - enter the CRICOS Course ID number if applicable. 
    14. Core Units - enter the number of Core units for the program instance
    15. Elective Units - enter the number of Elective units for the program instance. 
    16. Allow Elective Selection - toggle for allowing students to select their Elective units. Learn more here: How to Select Elective Units
    17. Automate Certificate Creation - toggle to automate the creation of certificates once students complete all units. This is set to No by default. Learn more here: Automating Certificate Creation and Certificate Email
    18. Program Stream or Specialisation - enter the Program Stream or Specialisation for the Program instance if applicable. 
    19. Display Stream on Certificate - toggle to set the Program Stream to display in the Certificate. This is set to NO by default.  
    20. Requires Vocational Placement/Host Employer - toggle to select if the Program Instance requires Vocational Placement/Host Employer. This is set to NO by default. If set to Yes, additional field to select the Vocational Placement/Host Employer will display in the Enrolment Wizard.
    21. Delivered with Partner Training Organisation - toggle to tag the Program Instance as being delivered with Partner Training Organisation. This is set to No by default.
    22. Custom Theme - applicable only for SMS integrated to eSkilled LMS. This allows users to set a custom theme in the LMS for the program instance. 
    23. Enrolments Expire - toggle to set if the Enrolments expire. This is set to No by default. 
    24. Enrolment Expires After - field to enter the expiration period of the Enrolment. 
    25. Enrolment Units Expire - toggle to set if the Enrolment Units expire. This is set to No by default. 

  3. Scroll up and click on the AVETMISS sub-tab. (The AVETMISS sub-tab will only be available if the Program is set to Nationally Recognised Training). Users may skip this step if the Program Instance is for a Non-Accredited Course. 

    1. Select the Reporting State for the Program Instance. Please refer to your State Training Authority to determine if your programs are reported to the state or to NCVER. 

    2. Once the Reporting State is selected, additional fields will display based on the selected state. 

      1. Funding Source National - select the Funding Source for the program instance
      2. Unit Delivery mode - select the Unit delivery mode for the Program instance from the dropdown. Options are: Internal only, External Only, Workplace-based only and combinations of the first three choices.
      3. VET in Schools Flag - select if the Program Instance is being offered as part of the VET in Schools program. 
      4. Nominal Hours - this fields auto calculates based on the nominal hours of all the units added into the Program Instance. 

  4. Once all the fields are complete, scroll up and click Save.  
  5. Additional sub-tabs for the Program Instance will display. Continue setting up your Program Instance. 

Setting up the Enrolment Form

The Enrolment Form sub-tab allows users to setup the online enrolment form for the Program Instance. Complete setting up the Enrolment form using the basic guide below: 

Enrolment Form Section

  1. Enrolment Form Type - there are two Enrolment Form type available. Users can select either Standard or Express from the dropdown. Express Enrolment Form is a shortened version of the enrolment form designed for quick enrolment with only basic questions such as Name, Email address, Password and Phone Number. Standard Enrolment form is the complete registration form. 
  2. Accepting Enrolments - set this toggle to Yes to start accepting enrolments to the Program Instance. 
  3. USI Required - set this toggle to YES is you would like to require students to enter their USI upon enrolment. 
  4. Collect CRICOS information - set this toggle to Yes if you would like to collect CRICOS information from the enrolment form. 
  5. Show Upload Document - set toggle to Yes to display the Upload Document field in the Enrolment form. If this is set to YES, additional field will appear:
    1. Require Document Upload - set toggle to YES if students will be required to Upload a file/document before they can proceed with the enrolment. 
    2. Document Upload Description - enter the Document Upload description.
  6. Require Emergency Contact Details - set to Yes if students are required to enter their Emergency Contact Details. 
  7. Allow International Students - set to Yes if international students are allowed to enroll to the program instance. If toggled Yes, the field "Hide International Student Question" will be disabled for editing. The question "Are you an International Student" will be displayed in the enrolment form. If toggled OFF, once a student selects that that they are an international student, a message window will display informing students that International students are not eligible to apply to the program instance. 
  8. Hide International Student Question - set to Yes to hide the "Are you an International Student Question". 
  9. Allow Blank Student Email - set to Yes if students can enrol without providing their email address. 
  10. Profile Image Upload - select from the dropdown the settings for uploading of Profile Images. 
    1. Do not show on enrolment form - Profile image upload field will not display in the enrolment form. 
    2. Show and require - Profile image upload field will display and students are required to upload a profile picture before they can proceed with the submission of the form. 
    3. Show but not required - Profile image upload field will display but student are not required to upload a file in order to proceed with the enrolment. 
  11. Show Prompt on Enrolment Submission - set to Yes to show a prompt to students that their enrolment has been successfully submitted. 
  12. Student Declaration - select from the dropdown the custom student declaration to be used for this program instance. Leave blank if the default student declaration will be used in the enrolment form. 

Financial Section

This section allows users to update the payment related settings of the Enrolment form. 

  1. Invoice Student On - select from the dropdown menu when students will be invoiced based on their enrolment status
    1. Application Received - payment plans and related invoices will be initialised when the student's status is application received. If the Program Instance has a Contract setup, this option will not display. 
    2. Application Approved - payment plans and related invoices will initialise when the student's application enrolment status becomes approved. If selected, the Pay Later toggle will be set to Yes. 
    3. Enrolled - payment plans and related invoices will be initialised once the student's status becomes Enrolled.  If selected the Pay Later toggle will be set to Yes. 
  2. Set Enrolled On - select whether students will automatically be set as Enrolled based on the following: 
    1. Leave as application received - default selection. Any applications created will be set as Application Received and any further changes must be made manually. 
    2. With payment - upon submission of a paid enrolment application, student's status will be changed to Enrolled. 
    3. Without payment - upon submission of an enrolment application, student's status will be changed to Enrolled even if there is no payment received. 
  3. Allow Pay Later - set the toggle to Yes if the Pay Later option will be displayed in the payment stage of the enrolment form. When set to Yes, the Remove Payment Stage field will be hidden in the settings and additional fields will display: 
    1. Allow Pay later for - dropdown for the pay later option to be available for: All, Students only or Company only. 
    2. Pay Later Description - enter the text to display for the Pay Later option. 
  4. Remove Payment Stage - set the toggle to Yes if the payment stage will not show in the enrolment form. Use this setting if payment will not be required for the Application to progress. 
  5. Invoice to Student Only - set the toggle to Yes to automatically set the student as the Invoice to option in the enrolment form. If set to Yes, the Invoice to Employer toggle will be grayed out. Leave both settings off if selection will be made in the enrolment form. 
  6. Invoice to Employer Only - set the toggle to Yes to automatically set the Employer as the Invoice to option to in the enrolment form. If set to Yes, the Invoice to Student only toggle will be greyed out. Leave both settings off if selection will be made in the enrolment form. 
  7. Show Course Fee - set to Yes to display the total course fee in the external enrolment form. 

Click Update to save changes.

For a more detailed tutorial on the Program Instance Enrolment Form, refer to this link: How to Update the Enrolment Form

Adding Units to the Program Instance

  1. To add Units to the Program Instance, go to Units sub-tab. Click New.

  2. Complete the fields in the Create New Entry window. 

    1. Unit Code - Select from the dropdown menu the unit code to be added. 
    2. Unit Name - this is a non-editable field that shows the unit name. 
    3. Unit Duration (days) - enter the duration (in days) for the Unit. (Applicable only for SMS integrated with eSkilled LMS)
    4. Unit Start Date Delay (days) - enter the start date delay (in days) for the Unit. (Applicable only for SMS integrated with eSkilled LMS)
    5. LMS Course - select the course to sync the Unit to the LMS course. (Applicable only for SMS integrated with eSkilled LMS)
    6. Only Enrol after Unit - set the prerequisite unit required before student is enrolled to the LMS course. (Applicable only for SMS integrated with eSkilled LMS)
    7. Unit Delivery Mode - this field is pre-filled based on the selected Unit Delivery Mode in the program instance setup. Select from the dropdown if changes are required. 
    8. Predominant Delivery mode - the field options are based on what is set in the Unit Delivery Mode - e.g. if Unit Delivery Mode is External Only, the predominant delivery mode will default to external delivery etc. 
    9. Scheduled Hours - this comes from the Nominal hours set for the Unit in the Units page. 
    10. Override Nominal Hours - tick the box to override the nominal hours for this unit for this program instance. 
    11. Default Elective - tick the box if the Unit will be set as a default elective. This will only display if the Allow elective selection setting is set to Yes. 
  3. Click Create. The unit will be added in the Units subtab. 
  4. Continue adding all the core and elective units for the Program Instance. 
  5. Click Update to save changes. 

Note: If Elective Selection is allowed (setting is toggled to Yes) ensure that the elective units added are more than the number of Elective Units set in the program instance information. 

Adding Program Fees and Payment Plans

Before accepting enrolments to your Program Instance, make sure that your Program Fees and Payment Plans are created and added. 

Creating Program Fees
  1. Go to Financial subtab. In the Program Fees section, click New.

  2. Select the Fee type from the dropdown. There are three fee types: Tuition, Resources, Others. Select Tuition to start creating the Tuition fee. 

  3. Selecting the Fee type will display additional fields. 

    1. Description - enter a description for the new fee. This will be displayed in the Invoice. 
    2. Student Fee - enter the student fee amount. 
    3. GST - select from the dropdown if the GST is charged or not charged. 
    4. Xero Account Code - (applicable only for SMS with Xero Integration) Select the account code for Xero. Leave blank if using the default code. 
  4. Click Save to save the program fee or Close to cancel. 
  5. Continue adding Resource or Other Fees if applicable. 

Add a Payment Plan

Payment Plan defines when students will be billed for their enrolment. 

Ensure that a Payment plan that is aligned to the total of your program fees is already created. To learn how to create Payment Plans visit this tutorial: How to Create and Use a Payment Plan

  1. To add a Payment Plan to your Dynamic Program Instance, click New.
  2. Select a Payment Plan from the dropdown. 

  3.  Multiple Payment Plans can be added to provide students with flexible payment options. To add more, click New. All payment plans added to the Program Instance will show in the Payment Plan data table. 

Creating Groups 

The final step in creating a Dynamic Program Instance is creating Groups. 

Groups can be created for grouping students according to location, year of enrolment, company etc. A Program Instance must have at least one group to be able to accept enrolments. 

  1. To add groups. go to the Group subtab. Click Add

  2. A new browser tab will open in the Schedules page, Groups/Intake tab to create groups. Complete the fields to create the group. 

    1. Group Name - enter the name for the group
    2. Active - toggle to Active 
    3. Program Instance - this is a pre-filled field with the Program Instance name
    4. Available on Enrolment Form - toggle to Yes to make the group available in the Enrolment form for selection. 
    5. Auto Remove - set the Auto Remove condition for the Group. This will automatically remove the group from the enrolment form once condition is met. Conditions are: 
      1. Never - will not auto remove
      2. Date Only - will remove the group based on the number of days before the start date. 
      3. Max Student Only - will remove the group once the maximum number of students enrolled in the group is reached. 
      4. Max Students or Date - will remove the group once the maximum number of students in the groups is reached or the number of days before start date is reached, depending on whichever comes first. 
    6. Location - set the location for the group. To learn more about Locations view this tutorial: How to Create Locations and Rooms in the SMS
    7. Trainers - set the trainer for the group. To learn more about Creating Trainers view this tutorial:  How to Add a User in the SMS

  3. Click Save to create the group.

Users may continue creating more groups as needed or create Workflows for automating actions for the Program Instance such as emails, tasks and certificates. 

Click Update to save all your changes to the Program Instance.

Your organisation can now start accepting enrolments into your Dynamic-type Program Instance by using the External Enrolment form direct links or iFrame codes. 

Congratulations on completing this tutorial. We hope this has been helpful to you and your organisation. If you have questions or concerns about this function, feel free to contact us via email at

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